How to Stabilize Your Estuarine Shoreline

Do you want to stabilize your shoreline? Here are the steps required to acquire the necessary permits and stabilize your shoreline.

Step 1 – Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I trying to protect my shoreline from daily erosion (losses everyday) or storm induced (losses during major storm events) erosion?
  • Do I want to protect my shoreline from boat wakes or offshore energy/waves?
  • What kind of wave energy (i.e. low, moderate, high) does my property receive? Information on wave energy can be determined by living on/observing their shoreline, looking at the width of waterbody, proximity to inlets and channels, proximity to large marinas, the presence and amount of marsh, talking to neighbors, knowing prevailing storm direction, knowing common wave height and direction, knowing prevailing wind direction,
  • How much erosion actually occurs here over a period of time?
  • Are my personal structures in imminent danger?
  • Are my neighbors experiencing the same erosion?
  • What shoreline type to I have on my property?

Step 2 – Determine which structure is the most appropriate for your shoreline.

Step 3 – Talk to a DCM field representative to find out answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of stabilizing options am I allowed by current rules and regulations?
  • What permit types can I utilize?
  • Are there any other construction restrictions for my location?

Step 4 – Talk with a Marine Contractor or Coastal Engineer to discuss stabilizing structure options, designs, permits, and cost.

Step 5 – Decide which method to use.

Step 6 – Contact DCM or visit DCM's website to review/apply for the CAMA permit(s) required.

Step 7 – Stabilize your shoreline.