New Buffer and Nutrient ILF Applications in Jordan Lake Upper New Hope and Lower New Hope Areas are Temporarily Suspended.
Mitigation Applicants
Detailed information about the request processes and rates can be found at the following locations:
Stream, Wetland & Buffer Info | Nutrient Offset Info | Current Rates | Upcoming Rates
Request Mitigation
Customers interested in submitting a request to DMS to provide mitigation for unavoidable impacts from development projects should complete the applicable request form below.
Note that all requests to access the DMS In-Lieu Fee programs must be accompanied by a signed "Bank Law Compliance Form" (included in the forms below) verifying compliance with G.S. 143-214.11, and other statutes which restrict access to the DMS ILF programs for some entities when credits are available from private mitigation bank companies. A list of approved banks is available from the Division of Water Resources or the USACE (Please report issues related to these lists to DWR or the USACE .)
Request forms and payment information (note: forms should be completed using Adobe to access all features):
- NCDEQ Guidance on Bank Credit Availability [updated Dec2024]
- Stream, Wetland & Buffer Mitigation Request Form [updated Dec2024]
- Nutrient Offset Mitigation Request Form [updated Dec2024]
- Electronic payment option for mitigation invoices.
- Find your service area and 8-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) here using an address or longitude, latitude coordinates
DMS In-Lieu Fee Program Contact Information
All inquiries related to non-DOT ILF requests, invoicing and payments should be directed to the ILF Program Coordinator- The DMS ILF process is paperless. All correspondence is now provided and received via email. All inquiries related to the NCDOT ILF program, please contact the NCDOT ILF Coordinator-