Pricing Trends

The Recycling Business Assistance Center (RBAC) tracks pricing trends across North Carolina for basic recyclable commodities on a quarterly basis and publishes these figures in a quarterly newsletter, Recycling Works
Market pricing is gathered through contact with three recycling processors located in the eastern, central and western regions of the state. The processors reply with market conditions for each commodity specified. Since 1995, market pricing information has remained consistent with national averages. 
The graphs and data presented include pricing trends for the past five years.
In the last quarter of 2017, the RBAC began gathering data to track market pricing for two new commodities: #3 - #7 Plastics and Bulky Rigid Plastics. Pricing is included in the table below. 
For more information, please contact a member of the RBAC Staff. 


Five Year Pricing Trend for Recyclable Fiber Commodities



Five Year Pricing Trend for Recyclable Container Commodities



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