Press Releases

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has approved an air quality permit modification for Corning Incorporated – Midland. The new permit will allow the company to increase emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

MOREHEAD CITY – State recreational water quality officials today lifted water quality swimming advisories at two ocean-side sites in Dare County.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Coastal Management (DCM) is awarding 20 grants to 19 communities for Phases 3 and 4 of the Resilient Coastal Communities Program (RCCP).
North Carolina is free from extreme drought in the latest advisory issued by the North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council (DMAC) on Thursday. DMAC classified five counties in severe drought, 30 counties in moderate drought, and 47 counties as extremely dry.
An advisory against swimming was posted today at a sound-side site in New Hanover County, where state officials found bacteria levels in the water that exceed the state’s and Environmental Protection Agency’s recreational water quality standards.
The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) Science Panel meeting via web conference on Aug. 1 has been rescheduled to Aug. 6 at noon. The Science Panel will continue its review of Inlet Hazard Area boundaries. The public may listen to the meeting by computer or phone.
MOREHEAD CITY – An advisory against swimming was posted today at a sound-side site in New Hanover County, where state recreational water quality officials found bacteria levels in the water that exceed the state’s and Environmental Protection Agency’s recreational water quality standards.
The North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council (DMAC) expanded its severe drought classification and classified two countiesas in extreme drought in the latest advisory issued Thursday.
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Coastal Management is accepting public comment on a request for review of a federal consistency submission from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Protected Resources proposing amendments to the North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule (“speed rule”).

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s State Energy Office recognizes thirteen state agencies, universities and community colleges for their significant energy reductions and progress towards Executive Order 80’s goal.