Public comment period on Stormwater Industrial General Permits


The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) invites public comment on, or objections to, the following NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permits to be revised and re-issued. The public comment period begins at 9:00 am on 04/17/2023 and ends at 5:00 pm on 05/17/2023.  Persons wishing to comment on or object may submit written comments to the address below during the public comment period.  All comments received during the public comment period will be considered in the final determinations regarding permit issuance.  Public comments may result in changes to the proposed permitting actions.  All comments should reference the specific permit numbers listed below.  Links to draft general permits and factsheets are also included in the following list: 

NCG050000 permit, draft factsheet for Apparel, Printing, Leather, Rubber, proposed issuance date 6/01/2023

NCG070000 permit, draft factsheet for Stone, Clay, Glass, proposed issuance date 6/01/2023

NCG110000 permit, draft factsheet for Treatment Works, proposed issuance date 6/01/2023

NCG130000 permit, draft factsheet for Nonmetal Waste and Scrap, proposed issuance date 6/01/2023

NCG210000 permit, draft factsheet for Timber Products, proposed issuance date 6/01/2023

Please direct comments or questions to:  Brittany Cook, Stormwater Program, NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612, Telephone number: (919) 707-3648,