

512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina

November 13, 2014
9:00 a.m.

General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please so state at this time.

Benne C. Hutson, Chairman, Presiding

I.  Preliminary Matters

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from Commission meetings on: July 10, 2014
                                                                          August 14, 2014
                                                                          September 11, 2014
                                                                          September 30, 2014

II.  Action Items

1. 14-35 Request forApproval of Amendments to Stormwater Rule 
            15A NCAC 02H .1002

            (DEMLR) Julie Ventaloro
            (WAC Chairman) Tommy Craven


Attachment A – Report of Proceedings (pp A1-43)

2. 14-36 Hearing Officer’s Report on Repeal of Transportation Facilities 
            Permitting Rules (523)

            (DAQ) Patrick Knowlson
            (AQC Chairman) Charlie Carter

Attachment A – Hearing Record - Transportation Facilities (pp A1-92)


3. 14-37 Hearing Officer’s Report on Revisions to Open Burning Rules to Reflect
             S.L. 2013-413 (521)

             (DAQ) Joelle Burleson
             (AQC Chairman) Charlie Carter

Attachment A– Hearing Record - Open Burning (pp 


4. 14-38 Hearing Officer’s Report on Amendment to Revise Permit Term to 
            Reflect S.L. 2013-413 (522)

            DAQ) Joelle Burleson
            AQC Chairman) Charlie Carter

Attachment A – Hearing Record - Permit Term (pp A1-68)


5. 14-39 Hearing Officer’s Report on Temporary Amendments to Clarify
             Applicability of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Rule for 
             Greenhouse Gases and Title V Applicability Rule (528)

             (DAQ) Patrick Knowlson
             (AQC Chairman) Charlie Carter 

Attachment A – Hearing Record (pp A1-66)


6. 14-40 Request to Proceed to Hearing on Revision to Ambient Standard 
             for Particulate Matter (PM2.5) (524)

            (DAQ) Joelle Burleson

Attachment A – Rule Summary (p A1)
Attachment B – Proposed Rule (p B1)
Attachment C – Fiscal Note (pp C1-4)


7. 14-41 Request forApproval of 2014 Stormwater Annual Report to the 
            Environmental Review Commission

            (DEMLR) Bradley Bennett

Attachment A – EMC Annual Stormwater Program Report to (pp A1-5)
  the ERC


8. 14-42 Request for Adoption of the Hearing Officer’s Recommendations
            on Proposed Triennial Review Amendments to the Surface
            Water Rules in 15A NCAC 02B .0200

            (DWR) Connie Brower
            (WQC Chairman) Steve Tedder


 Attachment A - Hearing Officer's Report Triennial Review (pp A1-1056)
 Attachment B  - Supplemental Attachment Scanned Comments (pp B1-254)


9. 14-43 Request to Proceed to Public Hearing with the Proposed
            Reclassification of Cape Fear River Section in New Hanover and 
            Brunswick Counties from Class SC to Class SC SW with a Water 
            Quality Management Plan

            (DWR) Elizabeth Kountis


 Attachment A - Memo 9-22-14 (p A-1)
 Attachment B - Map 07-01-2014 (p B-1)
 Attachment C - Requestor Fact Sheet 07-02-2014 (p C-1)
 Attachment D - Reclassification Request 03-05-2014 (pp D1-63)
 Attachment E - Fiscal Analysis 09-04-2014 (pp E1-9)
 Attachment F - 15A 02B 0227 - 09-04-2014 (p F-1)
 Attachment G - 15A 02B 0311 - 06-02-2014 (pp G1-4)

10. 14-44 Request for Adoption of Hearing Officer’s Recommendations on 
              New Stormwater Rule and Other Water Quality Rule Amendments for 
              Oil and Gas Operations

              (DWR) Evan Kane


Attachment A - Hearing Officer's Report Oil and Gas Rules (pp A1-112)


 11. 14-45  Request for Adoption of Report of Ad Hoc Committee
                Compliance Boundary and Corrective Action Pursuant to the 
                Coal Ash 
Management Act of 2014
                (Ad Hoc Committee  Chairman) Kevin Martin

Attachment A - Committee Draft Revisions to 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (pp A1-6)
Attachment B - Option 2 Draft Revisions to 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (pp B1-7)
Attachment C - Option 3 Draft Revisions to 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (PP c1-7)
Attachment D - Final Report on the EMC Review of Corrective
  Action and Compliance Boundary Rules (pp D1-14)


III.  Information Items

1. 14-11 Annual Reports on Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Agriculture Rules
            (DWR) John Huisman


Attachment A - Final 2014 Neuse CY2013 Annual Report (pp A1-14)
Attachment B - Final 2014 Tar-Pam CY2013 Annual Report (pp B1-15)


 2. 14-12  Letter Regarding EPA's Partial Disapproval of 303(d) List o
               Impaired Waters

              (Commission Chairman) Benne Hutson

Attachment A- Letter to EPA (p A1)


3. 14-13  Establishment of Ad Hoc Committee on Beneficial Reuse of
Coal Ash Pursuant to the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014
              (Ad Hoc Committee Chairman) Dr. Robert Rubin


4. 14-14  Closed Session pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(3) to Consult 
              with Counsel regarding 373A14, Cape Fear River Watch v. NCEMC 
             and Duke Energy Carolinas filed in the NC Supreme Court



IV.  Concluding Remarks

By Committee Chairs
By Directors
By Commission Members
By Counsel
By Chairman

Adjournment 11-13-14