Public Information Contacts
DEQ’s public information officers, or PIOs, assist residents, stakeholders and media representatives with information and public records requests. Our PIOs will help answer your questions or direct a complaint to the appropriate staff.
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For public records, start with our online records resources or submit a public records request. This system allows us to better track and fulfill requests in the order they are recieved. If you have questions after submitting your request, please email us.
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Public Information Officers listed by Division
Public Information Officer for the Division of Air Quality: Shawn Taylor, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8446
- Air permits and rules
- Motor vehicle emissions, emissions inspection program, and clean vehicle grants
- Odor or dust issues
- Air quality forecasts, including ozone and particulate matter
- Air Awareness education programs
- Raleigh pollen trends
Public Information Officer for the Division of Coastal Management: Christy Simmons, Office Phone Number: (252) 515- 5409.
- Permitting for Coastal Development
- Sea Level Rise
- Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change
- Clean Marinas
- Living Shorelines
- Coastal Land Use Planning
- Coastal Reserve Areas
- Coastal Resources Commission
- Grant Funding for Beach Access and Local Planning
Public Information Officer for the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources: Kat Russell, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-9237
Public Information Officer for the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service: Katherine Lucas, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8233
Public Information Officer for the Division of Marine Fisheries: Patricia Smith, Office Phone Number: (252) 515- 5528
Hot Topics:
- Shellfish Leases
- Striped Bass
- Flounder
- Crab
- Shrimp Petition for Rulemaking
- Spotted Seatrout
General Interest:
- Saltwater Fishing Regulations
- Saltwater Recreational Fishing
- Commercial Fishing
- Saltwater Fishing Licenses
- Commercial Fishing Licenses
- Shellfish Leases
- Oyster Sanctuaries
- Artificial Reefs
- Coastal Recreational Fishing License Grants
- Commercial Fishing Resource Fund Grants
- Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG)
- N.C. Saltwater Fishing Tournament (Citation Program)
- Fisheries Management
- Marine Patrol
- Marine Fisheries Commission
- Coastal Habitat Protection Plan
- Gill nets
- Trawl nets
- Ocean fishing piers
- Fishery Reform Act
- Sea turtle interactions with fishing gear
- Marine mammal strandings
- Coastal Swimming Advisories
- Shellfish closures
- Shellfish sanitation
Public Information Officer for the Division of Mitigation Services: Sascha Medina, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8672
- In-Lieu Fee Mitigation
- Flood Resiliency Blueprint
- Natural Infrastructure Program
Public Information Officer for the Division of Waste Management: Katherine Lucas, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8233
- Emerging Compounds
- Coal Ash
- Coal Ash Structural Fills
- Landfills
- Pre-regulatory Landfills
- Aboveground Storage Tanks
- Brownfields
- Compost
- Disaster Debris
- Dry-Cleaning
- Electronics
- Hazardous Waste
- Inactive Hazardous Sites
- Medical Waste
- Mercury Switch
- Oil Terminal
- Petroleum Releases
- Non-UST Petroleum Releases
- Scrap Tires
- Septage
- Solid Waste
- Superfund
- Underground Storage Tanks
Public Information Officer for the Division of Water Infrastructure: Cathy Akroyd, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-9187
- State Water Infrastructure Authority
- Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan
- Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure program
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
- State Wastewater and Drinking Water Reserve Programs
- Asset and Inventory Assessment Grant Program
- Merger/ Regionalization Feasibility Grant Program
Public Information Officer for the Division of Water Resources: Laura Oleniacz, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8604
Public Information Officer for the State Energy Office: Sascha Medina, Office Phone Number: (919) 707-8672
- Energy Efficiency
- Weatherization
- Clean Energy
- Energy Workforce Development
- Energy Assurance
Director of Public Affairs: Sam Chan, Office phone number: (919) 707-8670
Deputy Communications Director: Josh Kastrinsky, Office phone number: (919) 707-3645