December 5, 2024
Full-day in-person option: 8 am - 4 pm
Half-day virtual option: 8 am - 12 pm
Presented by: N.C. DEQ – Land Quality Section
In partnership with: Southeast Chapter – International Erosion Control Association (SE-IECA) and NCSU Department of Crop & Soil Science.
Registration information and the agenda is posted to NCSU's website.
Webinar Presentations and Materials
Workshop Recording will be posted after the workshop
Please note that PDHs are not being awarded for watching the recording; they are only being awarded to registrants who attend the live in-person or virtual session.
Morning Presenters:
Rebecca Coppa, NCDEQ-DEMLR
Presenting: Welcome & Overview
Rebecca has a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and minor in Environmental Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts and has been with NCDEQ’s Erosion Program for over six years now. Rebecca is also a Co-State Coordinator for Project WET or Water Education Today.
Julie Coco, PE, State Sediment Specialist, DEQ-DEMLR
Presenting: DEQ E&SC Program Updates (PDF Presentation)
Julie Coco is the State Sedimentation Program Engineer for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. She holds a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and a Graduate Certificate from NCSU in Geographical Information Systems. Her experience includes work in private practice and previous work in state government involving flood control, stormwater, erosion control, and permitting.
Charles Brown, Town of Cary
Co-presenting: BMPs to SCMs: Cary’s Adaptive Approach to Post-Construction (PDF Presentation)
Charles Brown is the Stormwater Field Services Administer for the Town of Cary’s Stormwater Division. He holds a BS Degree in Biology from USC Coastal Carolina College. He has worked in the water quality field for over 30 years. His experience includes work on NPDES stormwater permitting, erosion and sediment control plan review and inspections, stormwater industrial permitting and inspections, and floodplain management.
Emily Cochran Town of Cary
Co-presenting: BMPs to SCMs: Cary’s Adaptive Approach to Post-Construction (PDF Presentation)
Emily Cochran is the Stormwater Program Analyst for the Town of Cary’s Stormwater Division. She holds a BS and MS in Environmental Science from Drexel University and has worked in water quality in the public sector for the past 8 years.
Dr. Erin Rivers, NCSU
Presenting: NCSU Research Results: Management, Disposal, and Beneficial Reuse of Diamond Grinding Slurries (PDF Presentations)
Dr. Erin Rivers is an Assistant Professor and Extension Water Quality Protection Specialist at NCSU and has replaced the now retired Dr. Rich McLaughlin. Her research and Extension program focuses on the impacts of nonpoint source runoff on water quality and the use of best management practices to mitigate nutrient and sediment loss.
Joe Greco, BEG Group LLC.
Co-Presenting: USDA Biobased Label & ESC (PDF Presentation, Combined PDF Presentation)
Joe Greco is the President of the BEG Group LLC. and manufacturer of USDA nationally certified biobased erosion/filtration products.
Derek Jones, USDA
Co-Presenting: USDA Biobased Label & ESC (PDF Presentation, Combined PDF Presentation)
Derek Jones is the Branch Chief of the Public Private Partnerships Branch within the Rural Business – Cooperative Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Presenting: Vegetative Stabilization: An Inspector’s Guide (PDF Presentation)
Robby Deans is an Environmental Specialist with the Winston-Salem Regional Office. He got his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Biology at East Carolina University and a PhD in Ecology at The University of Texas at Austin. He is an avid naturalist and he enjoys the hiking and plant identification involved in erosion control inspections.
Gregg Bodnar, NCDEQ DCM, Major Permits Coordinator
Presenting: CAMA Major and Minor Permits (PDF Presentation)
Gregg Bodnar is the Major Permits Coordinator for NCDEQ’s Division of Coastal Management and is located at DCM’s headquarters in Morehead City.
Afternoon Field Presenters:
Adam Howard
Adam works in Research, Teaching, and Extension at NC State University, focusing on erosion control, soil fertility, soil physics, and soil physical properties. He’s been at NCSU since 2007.
Dr. Christina Kranz
Dr. Christina Kranz is a postdoctoral researcher at NC State University in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. Her research focuses on stormwater management and sediment and erosion control.
Dr. Rich McLaughlin
Dr. Rich McLaughlin has been a professor at NC State University since 1993, focusing on managing stormwater on construction sites to reduce the impacts on water quality. Dr. McLaughlin recently retired.
Rob Austin
Rob is a Research and Extension Specialist at NC State University in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences specializing in Geographic Information Systems.
Faircloth Skimmer
BEG Group
Green Resource
Applied Polymer Systems
Rymar Waterworks
Ertec Systems