2024 Request for Project Advisers and Reef Enhancement Recommendations

Submitted by mcbrodeur on

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Marine Fisheries Artificial Reef Program is soliciting public input and project advisers for the next five years of ocean reef enhancements.

The Artificial Reef Program plans to complete one project per year, for a total of five projects, one in each coastal region (see map):

  • Outer Banks
  • Raleigh Bay
  • Northern Onslow Bay
  • Southern Onslow Bay
  • Long Bay

The program is seeking regional advisers for each project to recommend materials and reef sites for enhancements. The Division will be responsible for all other phases of the project, including securing state and federal permits, administering funds, awarding contracts and deployment verification.

The specific order of enhancements will be determined by material and stockpile availability, Division staff obligations and timing of the most recent enhancement in the region.

The enhancements will occur on established ocean reef sites within 20 nautical miles of shore.

Materials and deployment for the projects will be funded through an annual $500,000 Coastal Recreational Fishing License grant, but advisers are encouraged to offer matching contributions such as funding, materials and staging areas. Any reef material contributions must meet Division specifications for acceptable materials (concrete pipe, concrete rubble, steel-hulled vessels).

Eligible recommendations for projects will be chosen based on:

  • Scope and merit
  • Need (considering recent projects in the proposed region)
  • Material suitability
  • Matching contributions

Potential project advisers should complete the recommendation form by Dec. 15, 2024. Projects will be selected by Jan. 10, 2025. Selected advisors will be notified following project selection.

For more information, email Jordan Byrum or call 252-515-5481.

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