Emission Inventories

Preparing Your Emission Inventory

Air Emissions Reporting On-Line (AERO)
You may use AERO to update and submit your Air Emission Inventory securely online (whether Title V, Synthetic Minor, and Small) for all air permitted facilities.

General Information
An overview of estimation procedures for emission inventories and air permits.

View instructions for completing point-source emission inventory paper forms, and calculating/submitting greenhouse gas emissions. Find inventory schedules, specific industry guidance, and the AERO user manual. 

Access current emission inventory forms, emission estimation spreadsheets, pollutant tables, and other information about reporting emissions.

List of the Regional Emission Inventory Contacts and and how to reach them.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about emission inventories.

Emission Inventory Data Reports

Point Source Emissions
North Carolina tracks point source "stack" emissions through its emission inventory program for facilities required to have an air permit. Includes criteria pollutant, hazardous/toxic pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions.

Emission Inventory Summaries
Power BI report of most recent emission inventory years and emission inventory data in Excel format for calendar years 2010 to current.