It's Our Air - Search Videos

Through this video students will discover properties of air, including that air has volume, mass, and pressure; that it is compressible and that it expands when heated. They will also learn about the major molecular components of our atmosphere (nitrogen, oxygen, argon), the layers of our atmosphere, and that air contains water vapor. Companion Activity is 1-1 What is Air?

IOA_PlayThis video introduces students to the concept of combustion as a chemical reaction and illustrates how combustion causes the rearrangement of atoms from one set of molecules to another set of molecules, and how air pollution can result when other gases in our atmosphere and other substances in fuel are added into the combustion mix. Companion Activity is 1-2 Combustion Equations.

A video asks the question, “How do you define air pollution?” then gets definitions from experts; reviews the criteria pollutants (ground-level ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and lead) showing the sources and problems caused by each of these air pollutants. Companion Activity is 1-4 A Closer Look at Ozone.

This video introduces the major pollution issues in North Carolina including ground-level ozone, particle pollution, acid deposition, mercury deposition, and nitrogen deposition; visits the North Carolina mountains, piedmont and coastal plain to learn about air pollution issues these regions and the sources of the air pollution. We hear from the NC Division of Air Quality Director, park rangers, a biomedical researcher, a county air quality official, a riverkeeper, and an air quality expert. Companion Activity is 1-5 Local Sources of Air Pollution.

The video discusses how we know which pollutants are in our air, how that information is communicated to the public, and why knowing that information is important for people who are active outdoors because of the health problems these pollutants can cause, in particular ground-level ozone and particulate matter. It includes a tour of a Division of Air Quality monitoring station, an interview with NC Division of Air Quality meteorologists who talk about the complexities of air quality forecasting, and introduces the Air Quality Index and what the color codes mean. Companion Activity is 2-3 Forecasting Air Quality

This video introduces the importance of scientific research and reading scientific information critically in understanding the effect of air pollution on human health and in setting national air quality standards. It covers the concepts of correlation, cause-and-effect, and coincidence in scientific research. It highlights various types of air quality studies (laboratory, observational, epidemiological) through interviews and video footage.

This video Introduces the three major strategies for finding solutions to air pollution: personal choices, regulation, and technology. It briefly reviews how electricity is generated and the history of how our energy is produced in North Carolina. Then it focuses on how our personal home energy choices and the impact they can have on air pollution, focusing on improving energy efficiency and using less energy.

This video reviews the history of the North Carolina Clean Smokestacks Act through interviews with key figures who part its passage explaining why it was introduced and how through an amazing collaboration of industry, government and environmental interests it was passed, implemented and successful with a positive impact on North Carolina air quality and the health of N.C. residents. The video also highlights the impact of the legislation on a teenager with asthma.