Scheduled Workshops

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  • Date: Wednesday, April 2
  • Time: 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.
  • Location: NOAA Beaufort Lab Auditorium
  • Registration (required)
  • Cost: Free!
  • Agenda
  • Target Audience: The course is designed for planners, public works staff, floodplain managers, hazard mitigation planners, sustainability managers, emergency managers, community groups, members of civic organizations, and coastal resource managers.
  • Continuing Education Credits
    • American Institute of Certified Planners 
    • Association of State Floodplain Managers 
  • Overview: Coastal communities increasingly realize the need for adaptation strategies, but many are unsure where to begin. Attend this course to gain a thorough grounding and practical skills for incorporating adaptation strategies into planning processes. Time in class is provided to practice applying what you’ve learned, and opportunities for local collaboration and next steps are emphasized through discussion, participant activities, and local speakers and examples.
  • Learning Objectives: 
    • Apply the basic elements of an adaptation planning framework to organize future preparedness efforts
    • Translate climate science into impacts on local community assets
    • Determine local vulnerabilities based on an existing assessment or hazard visualization tool
    • Interpret and apply results of a vulnerability assessment to inform adaptation priorities
    • Identify, compare, and prioritize locally relevant adaptation strategies and actions
    • Organize adaptation options into a cohesive long-term strategy using an adaptation pathways approach


  • Date: Thursday, May 29
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Location: NOAA Beaufort Lab Auditorium
  • Cost: Free!
  • Registration - coming soon
  • Agenda - coming soon
  • Overview:
    • We increasingly hear the message that working with communities requires trust. Do you find yourself wondering, what does trust mean? What does trust look like? How do we build trust, or better yet, how do we work through distrust with partners? Join us for reflection and peer-to-peer sharing to build our collective knowledge of what trusting relationships with communities truly look like. If you have expertise to share or are just starting to think about this kind of work, we want you to be part of the conversation.
    • “Let’s Talk About Trust” is a collaborative learning workshop. It includes a combination of group discussion, partnered activities, and individual reflection. We explore existing resources on trust, discuss key concepts among peers, and identify successful strategies to overcome challenges.
  • Learning Objectives:
    • Explore trust and its three key elements
    • Share ideas for how to build and maintain trust in professional relationships
    • Examine local stories on building trust with communities
    • Discuss special considerations for communities where trust has been broken
    • Identify strategies to effectively engage with communities with a history of harm
  • Participant requirements:
    • Commitment to fully attend and interact with other participants
    • Open mindset and willingness to contribute


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