37 | Interactive Radon Potential Map of North Carolina Referenced to Underlying Geology by Chapman, J.S. and Gibson, P.R. |
36 | Natural Gas and Oil In North Carolina by Reid, J.C., 2009 PDF |
35 | A Geologic Adventure Along the Eno River (For Purchase), by Bradley, P.J., 2007 PDF |
34 | 42nd Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals (For Purchase), edited by Reid, J.C., 2006 PDF |
33 | Suitability of Pinehurst Formation as a Glass Sand, Richmond County, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Mensah-Biney,Robert, Carpenter, L.A., Miller, J. W. Jr., and Reid, J.C., 2005. PDF |
32 | When the Ground Moves! A Citizen's Guide to Geologic Hazards in North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey (For Purchase), edited by Bechtel, R., 2005 PDF |
31 | Geology of Gorges State Park (For Purchase), by Wooten, R.M., Carter, M.W., and Merschat, C.E., 2003. PDF |
30 | Investigation of Muscovite Mica in Greisen, Sims Granitoid Intrusive, Wilson County, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Carpenter, R.H., Tanner, J.T., Grotto, D.J., Carpenter, P. A. III, and Speer, J.A., 1996. PDF |
29 | Gold in North Carolina, by Carpenter, P.A. III, 1993. Download from North Carolina Digital Collections as a PDF |
28 | Upper Cenozoic Geology of the Onslow Bay and Aurora Embayments, North Carolina: Compilation of Published Abstracts From the Literature (For Purchase), by Riggs, S.R. and Ames, Dorothea v.d.P. 1992. PDF |
27 | Subsurface Stratigraphic Framework of Cenozoic Strata in Brunswick and New Hanover counties, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Zarra, Larry, 1991. PDF |
26 | High-silica Resource Potential of the Upper Chilhowee Quartzite, McDowell County, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Wiener, L.S., Merschat, C.E., and Tanner, J.T., Jr., 1990. PDF |
25 | Information Available for Selected Wells of the North Carolina Coastal Plain (For Purchase), by the North Carolina Geological Survey, 1982. PDF |
24 | Mineral Collecting Sites in North Carolina, by Wilson, W.F., and McKenzie, B.J. 1978. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
23 | Diabase Dikes of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Burt, E.R., Carpenter, P.A. III, McDaniel, R.D., and Wilson, W.F. 1978. PDF Map |
22 | Exploratory Oil Wells of North Carolina 1925 - 1976 (For Purchase), by Coffey, J.C. 1977. PDF |
21 | Gold Resources of North Carolina, by Carpenter, P.A. III, 1972, revised 1978. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
20 | Feldspar Resources of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Bundy, J.L., and Carpenter, P.A. III, 1969. PDF |
19 | Titanium Deposits of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Williams, Lloyd, 1964. PDF |
18 | The Force of Gravity at Selected Localities in North Carolina (For Purchase), by Mann, V.I., 1963. PDF |
17 | Beryl Occurrences in North Carolina, by Wilson, W.F., 1962. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
16 | Mineral Collecting Sites in North Carolina, by Conley, J.F. 1958. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
15 | Lithium Resources of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Broadhurst, S.D., 1956. PDF |
14 | Radioactive Minerals in North Carolina, by Councill, R.J., 1955. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
13 | Miscellaneous Commerical Rocks of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Councill, R.J., 1955. PDF |
12 | Commercial Rocks of the Volcanic-slate Series, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Councill, R.J., 1955. PDF |
11 | High-silica Sand Resources of North Carolina (For Purchase), by Broadhurst, S.D., 1954. PDF |
10 | A Preliminary Report on the High Alumina Minerals in the Volcanic-slate Series, North Carolina, by Broadhurst, S.D. and Councill, R.J., 1954. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
09 | The Eastern Piedmont Pegmatite District of North Carolina, by Steel, W.G., 1952. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
08 | White Residual Clays of the Volcanic Slate Belt in North Carolina, by Broadhurst, S.D., 1950. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
07 | A General Survey of Some High Silica Materials in North Carolina (For Purchase), by Broadhurst, S.D. 1949. PDF |
06 | A Possible New Source of Ground-Water Supply in the Elizabeth City Area, North Carolina, by Mundorf, M.J., 1947. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
05 | The Geology and Mineral Resources of Guilford County, North Carolina (For Purchase), by Murdock, T.G., 1947.PDF |
04 | Occurrences of Sillimanite in North Carolina, by Hunter, C.E., and White, W.A., 1946. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
03 | Selected Well Logs in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. by Mundorf, M.J., 1944. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
02 | Production of Mica in North Carolina, by Murdock, T.G. 1942. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |
01 | Minerals for National Defense--North Carolina's Possible Contributions, by Murdock, T.G., 1940. **OUT-OF-PRINT** PDF |