Marine Fisheries Commission Advisory Committees


The MFC Advisory Committees provide insights and comments directly to the commission for consideration during their decision-making process. All advisors are appointed by the MFC Chair. There are five statutorily required Advisory Committees that fall into two categories. The MFC Chair also convenes committees to assist in the development of fishery management plans, and to deal with emerging issues as the commission deems necessary. To learn more about the Fishery Management Plan process and how you can get involved, watch this Fishery Management Plan presentation.

View the list of upcoming Advisory Committee meetings

Apply to Serve

The MFC is looking for commercial and recreational fishermen, scientists, and other interested parties to sit on various fisheries advisory committees. If you are interested in serving as an adviser, please complete the application below. The solicitation period occurs in the fall of each year, with new advisor terms beginning in January. The 2024 solicitation period ended on November 4, 2024.  

Apply to Serve on an Advisory Committee

Regional Advisory Committees

Tab/Accordion Items

Member Requirements

Members of the Northern Regional Advisory Committee must reside within areas from the Virginia line south through Hyde and Pamlico counties and any counties to the West.

Current Northern Regional AC Members

Advisors (County of Residence)

Term Expiration Date

Everett Blake (Harnett), Vice ChairJanuary 1, 2028
Keith Bruno (Pamlico)January 1, 2026
Melissa Clark (Dare)January 1, 2025
Stuart Creighton (Pamlico)January 1, 2028
Herman Dunbar (Pamlico)January 1, 2028
Morton Gaskill (Hyde)January 1, 2028
Jamie Lane (Martin)January 1, 2026
Robert Makowsky (Durham)January 1, 2028
Thomas Newman (Martin)January 1, 2027
Sara Winslow (Perquimans), ChairJanuary 1, 2026
Jonathan Worthington (Camden)January 1, 2026

DMF Committee Staff

Charlton Godwin 
Biologist Supervisor 
Capt. Daniel Ipock
Marine Patrol, Northeast District
Capt. Christopher Lee
Marine Patrol, Northeast District

Member Requirements

Members of the Southern Regional Advisory Committee must reside within areas from Carteret County south to the South Carolina line and any counties to the West.

Current Southern Regional AC Members

Advisors (County of Residence)Term Expiration Date
Samuel Boyce (New Hanover)January 1, 2027
Michael Oppegaard (Pender)January 1, 2028
Pam Morris (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Truby Proctor (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Fred Scharf (New Hanover), ChairJanuary 1, 2027
Kenneth Seigler (Onslow)January 1, 2026
Glenn Skinner (Carteret)January 1, 2028
Jeremy Skinner (Carteret)January 1, 2027
Tom Smith (Mecklenburg), Vice ChairJanuary 1, 2026
Tim Wilson (Brunswick)January 1, 2026
Michael Yates (Onslow)January 1, 2026

DMF Committee Staff

Tina Moore
Southern District Manager
Chris Stewart
Biologist Supervisor
Capt. Garland Yopp
Marine Patrol, Southern District
Sgt. Ashley Bishop
Marine Patrol, Central District

Standing Advisory Committees

Tab/Accordion Items

Statutorily required standing committee comprised of commissioners and advisers that consider matters related to finfish.

Current Finfish AC Members

Term Expiration Date
Jeff Buckel (Carteret)
January 1, 2028
Lewis Dunn (Wake)January 1, 2026
Brent Fulcher (Craven)
January 1, 2028
Charles Griffin (Dare County) January 1, 2028
Christopher Hickman (Dare)January 1, 2026
Larry Lord (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Jesse Mock III (Pender)January 1, 2028
Randy Proctor (Wake)
January 1, 2025
William Tarplee (Onslow)
January 1, 2027
Sammy Corbett (Ex-officio), ChairJune 30, 2026
Tom Roller (Ex-officio), Vice ChairJune 30, 2026

DMF Committee Staff

Jason Rock 
Fisheries Management Section Chief
Sgt. Justin Lott 
Marine Patrol, Central District 

Statutorily required standing committee comprised of commissioners and advisers that consider matters concerning habitat and water quality that may affect coastal fisheries resources.

Current Habitat and Water Quality AC Members

Term Expiration Date
Cate Arnold (New Hanover)January 1, 2028
Jack Durham, Jr. (Wake)January 1, 2026
David Glenn (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Joel Fodrie (Carteret)
January 1, 2028
Nathan Hall (Carteret)
January 1, 2028
Scott Leahy (Carteret)January 1, 2027
Markham Parrish (Carteret)January 1, 2028
Lisa Rider (Onslow)January 1, 2026
Mark Sonder (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Dr. Doug Rader (Ex-officio), ChairJune 30, 2026
Sarah Gardner (Ex-officio), Vice ChairJune 30, 2025

DMF Committee Staff

Charlie Deaton
Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Supervisor
Jason Parker
Marine Patrol

Statutorily required standing committee comprised of commissioners and advisers that considers matters concerning oysters, clams, scallops and other molluscan shellfish, shrimp, and crabs.

Current Shellfish/Crustacean AC Members

Term Expiration Date
Lauren Burch (Currituck)January 1, 2026
Mary Sue Hamann (Carteret)January 1, 2028
Michael Hardison (Brunswick)January 1, 2027
Mike Marshall (Carteret)January 1, 2028
Bruce Morris (Carteret)January 1, 2026
Brassai Mustin (Onslow)January 1, 2028
Brian Shepard (Onslow)January 1, 2026
Tim Willis (Carteret)January 1, 2027
Brett Wilson (New Hanover)January 1, 2028
Mike Blanton (Ex-officio) Co-ChairJune 30, 2027
William Service (Ex-officio), Vice ChairJune 30, 2027

DMF Committee Staff

Tina Moore
Southern District Manager
Colonel Carter Witten
Marine Patrol

Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committees

Tab/Accordion Items

To provide comments to the Spotted Seatrout Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee, please contact the Division staff at the email addresses provided below.

Current Spotted Seatrout Fishery Management Plan AC Members

Joe Albea
Steven Brewster
Johnna Brooks
Dr. Jie Cao
Stuart Creighton
Doug Cross
Herman Wayne Dunbar
Matthew Littleton
Kevin Poole
James Reilly
Rick Sasser
Jeremy Skinner
Donald Willis


Division Staff

Lucas Pensinger
Species Lead
Melinda Lambert
Species Lead

To provide comments to the Oyster/Clam Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee, please contact the Division staff at the email addresses provided below.

Current Oyster/Clam Fishery Management Plan AC Members

Rosanna J. Gusler
Barry Martee Hodowanic
Perry Allen McMahon
Brassai Marie Mustin
Thomas Edward Newman III
Brandon Joel Puckett
Abby Elizabeth Williams


Division Staff

Joe Facendola
Oyster Lead
Bennett Paradis
Oyster Co-Lead
Jeff Dobbs
Hard Clam Lead
Lorena de la Garza
Hard Clam Co-Lead

Other Committees

Tab/Accordion Items

Section 6 of the Act to Provide Further Support to the Shellfish Aquaculture Industry in North Carolina (S.L. 2019-37) amended G.S. 143B-289.57 to require the Chair of the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) to appoint a three-member Shellfish Cultivation Lease Review Committee (SCLRC) to hear appeals of decisions of the Department of Environmental Quality Secretary regarding shellfish leases issued under G.S. 113-202. The SCLRC includes one MFC member who serves as the hearing officer and two public members, one with expertise or other relevant experience in shellfish aquaculture, and the other with expertise or other relevant experience with respect to coastal property or property assessment.

Shellfish Cultivation Lease Review Committee Members

Sammy Corbett (Chair)MFC Member
Steve Yuhasz Coastal Property or Property Assessment Expert
VacantShellfish Aquaculture Expert

DMF Committee Staff

Jesse Bissette
MFC Marine Fisheries Commission Liaison
Phillip Reynolds
Legal Counsel
Special Deputy Attorney General
Department of Justice
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