1980 Commercial Landings

1980 Totals
Final WeightFinal Value
Fish Final Weight Final Value
Amberjacks 6,764 $1,531
Anglerfish (Monkfish Including Monklivers) 623,409 $218,598
Blue Crabs, Hard 34,322,937 $5,975,221
Blue Crabs, Soft and Peeler 87,482 $132,448
Bluefish 5,443,558 $760,630
Bonito 17,286 $3,463
Butterfish 148,617 $41,971
Carp 83,013 $2,559
Catfishes 1,625,739 $368,106
Clams, Hard (Meats) 1,541,719 $5,554,047
Cobia 5,128 $1,301
Croaker,Atlantic 21,146,798 $5,213,755
Dolphinfish 23,887 $11,886
Drum, Black 75,375 $8,709
Drum, Red 243,223 $47,133
Eel, American 960,196 $1,038,575
Flounder, Southern 2,965,023 $1,629,142
Flounder, Summer 13,916,867 $6,259,110
Flounders, Other 40,649 $6,699
Groupers, Other 664,354 $537,458
Grunts 57,241 $28,478
Harvestfish (Starbutters) 275,300 $55,446
Herring, River (Alewife and Blueback) 6,218,523 $444,327
Mackerel, Atlantic (Boston) 1,874 $203
Mackerel, King 768,946 $646,543
Mackerel, Spanish 75,306 $29,898
Menhaden,Atlantic 196,920,370 $7,139,327
Mullet, Sea (Kingfishes) 342,605 $110,436
Mullet, Striped 2,215,532 $360,145
Octopus 8,139 $8,139
Oysters (Meats) 723,099 $987,958
Perch, White 104,803 $26,954
Perch, Yellow 4,658 $883
Pigfish 100,091 $12,251
Pinfish 8,410 $822
Pompano 10,104 $4,583
Porgies 1,751,763 $865,848
Pufferfish 30,985 $12,493
Scallop,Bay (Meats) 327,780 $1,107,072
Scallop,Sea (Meats) 861,012 $2,979,338
Sea Basses 1,530,986 $931,324
Seatrout, Spotted 171,334 $75,216
Shad, American 199,206 $88,112
Shad, Gizzard 1,312,093 $39,372
Shad, Hickory 91,501 $12,680
Sharks 23,757 $3,136
Sheepshead 29,800 $3,389
Shrimp (Heads On) 9,823,490 $17,184,994
Snapper, Red 77,420 $148,723
Snapper, Vermilion (Beeliner) 191,479 $326,305
Snappers, Other 153,475 $252,450
Spadefish 295 $207
Spot 7,100,053 $1,493,437
Squid 302,264 $75,060
Striped Bass 472,503 $435,479
Swordfish 316,576 $455,243
Tilefish, Other 24,708 $8,907
Triggerfish 29,573 $6,830
Tuna, Bluefin 370 $315
Tuna, Yellowfin 5,842 $4,012
Tunas, Other 4,276 $3,036
Tunny, Little (False Albacore) 88,250 $13,948
Unclassified Fish For Industrial/Bait 18,285,004 $652,636
Unclassified Fish for Food 714,854 $96,296
Unclassified Shellfish 91,920 $24,643
Wahoo 2,327 $1,515
Weakfish (Grey Trout) 20,343,952 $3,783,923
Whelks/Conchs (Meats) 56,933 $28,836