Television Manufacturers Information

Requirements for television manufacturers can be found at: NCGS 130A-309.135.

A television, defined in part, has a viewable screen of nine inches. Television manufacturers selling computer equipment must also register as computer manufacturers.

Television Manufacturer Compliance Status

  1. Registration Requirement
    Television Manufacturer ANNUAL Registration is done via the e-CycleRegistration System

    Each television manufacturer, before selling or offering for sale televisions in the state, shall register with the Department and, at the time of registration, shall pay an initial registration fee of $2,500 to the department. A television manufacturer that has registered shall pay an annual renewal registration fee of $2,500 to the Department. The annual renewal registration fee shall be paid to the Department each fiscal year no later than June 30 of the previous fiscal year.

                     Payments shall be submitted to:

                     NCDEQ Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section
                     Electronics Management Program
                     1646 Mail Service Center
                     Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
                     Attn: Perry Sugg

  1. Product Labeling Requirement
    A television manufacturer shall not sell or offer to sell any television in this state unless a visible, permanent label clearly identifying the manufacturer of that device is affixed to the equipment.

  2. Recycling of Market Share Required
    A television manufacturer must annually recycle or arrange for the recycling of its market share of televisions. The Department will calculate television manufacturer market share using national television sales data available from commercially available analytical sources. The Department shall extrapolate the data to determine the State's share of national television sales and each manufacturers market share obligation. 
    Method for Calculating Achievement of Market Share Recycling by TV Manufacturers

  3. Due Diligence and Compliance Assessments
    A television manufacturer shall conduct and document due diligence assessments of the recyclers the manufacturer contracts with, including an assessment of compliance with environmentally sound recovery standards. 

  4. Contact Information Required
    A television manufacturer shall provide the Department with contact information for the manufacturer's designated agent or employee whom the Department may contact for information related to the manufacturer's compliance with the requirements of this section.

  5. Joint Television Recycling Plans
    A television manufacturer may fulfill the requirements of this section either individually or in participation with other television manufacturers.

  6. Annual Report
    By October 1 annually, a television manufacturer shall report to the Department the total weight of televisions the manufacturer collected and recycled in the state during the previous fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Television manufacturer reports shall be submitted electronically: Television Manufacturer Annual Report form.

For additional information contact:

John Patrone
Ph. 919-280-4814 or