Application Training, 'BUMP' Training and Water & Wastewater Energy Efficiency Training

Division of Water Infrastructure Spring 2025 Funding Application Training

 Training was conducted in-person on March 5 (Hickory), March 11 (Raleigh and virtual) and March12 (Wiliamston).

Spring 2025 applications must be received by the Division no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2025. Applications are submitted online.

Funding Availability for Spring 2025 Applications
 Applications for drinking water and wastewater construction projects will be considered for funding from the State Revolving Funds, including Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds. Local government units (LGUs) and non-profit water/wastewater corporations (and investor-owned drinking water utilities for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund) may apply for funding.

The State Revolving Funds (SRFs) will provide low-interest loans (including loans that may be partially forgiven) for drinking water and wastewater projects. In addition to the SRF funds typically available, this round will include the use of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funds, BIL Emerging Contaminants (PFAS) funds and BIL Lead Service Line Replacement funds. Eligible utilities may apply for up to $25 million in Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loans and up to $35 million in Clean Water State Revolving Fund loans. Limits vary for Emerging Contaminants and for Lead Service Line Replacement funding.


Best Utility Management Practices (BUMP) Training

(Available March 19 in Wilson, March 25 in Morganton and March 26 in Graham)


Water and Wastewater Energy Efficiency (WWEE) Training Program

 (Available in Greenville: Tuesdays,  April 1-15; in Sanford: Tuesdays, June 10-24 and in Wallace: Tuesdays, Sept. 16-30)

WWEE Training Program Registration & Interest Form

Enhance your water and wastewater facility’s energy efficiency with the no-cost Water and Wastewater Energy Efficiency (WWEE) Training Program!

The WWEE Training Program is offered by the NC DEQ’s State Energy Office and Division of Water Infrastructure. This expert-led program equips personnel with essential energy management strategies, cost-saving techniques, and practical energy conservation measures. 

Through three (3) in-person sessions, attendees will gain practical insights into optimizing energy consumption, improving reliability, and ensuring long-term success. With multiple locations and dates available, plus 12 professional development hours (PDHs), this is a must-attend opportunity for water and wastewater professionals dedicated to improving operations and reducing costs. Secure your spot today and bring your colleagues and neighboring utilities (up to 3 attendees per municipality)!

Program Concept and Overview
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s State Energy Office (SEO) and Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) are partnering to offer a no-cost energy efficiency training program for NC water and wastewater facilities and personnel. The program will be taught by industry experts in conjunction with our contracted training provider, the Institute of Energy Professionals (IEP).

The goals of the program are to introduce water and wastewater personnel to basic concepts of energy management principles (i.e., energy bills, demand, rates, calculations, metrics, basic energy conservation measures or ECMs), followed by focus on energy efficiency opportunities specific to water and/or wastewater treatment plants (i.e., motors/VFDs, process improvements, aeration, etc.). 

Additionally, the program focuses on the fact that energy is only one of many challenges a small, rural water and wastewater operator faces. As such, the program focuses not just on energy savings, but also the importance that any ECM reduces expenditures (that can otherwise be used for operations), improves reliability and productivity, and potentially even increases compliance. The program will emphasize both identification and implementation of ECMs unique to each participating system. While the training is designed to identify energy efficiency opportunities for each attendee’s system, it is ultimately intended to empower attendees with the knowledge needed to continually find and implement opportunities for improved energy efficiency at their systems long after the training has concluded.

Attendees are encouraged to invite their local leadership (up to 2 people) to attend lunch and the final hour of class the last day of instruction (12-2 pm on Day 3). 

SEO and DWI leadership will be in attendance to discuss funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other opportunities for the attendee’s facilities. There will also be a short review of the materials covered to-date, as well as imparting to leadership the importance of energy management and efficiency and the “non-energy” benefits it can provide for the local community. 

Learning Outcomes
•    Electric rates—how they are structured and how to optimize their application.
•    Proven methodologies and strategies for developing a successful sustainable energy management program for your facility.
•    Energy conversion factors, formulas, and how to apply them in analyzing system consumption, costs, and projecting savings for energy initiatives.
•    Approaches and techniques for analyzing energy consumption data and identifying savings opportunities, as well as techniques for securing needed consumption information.
•    Practical and implementable energy conservation measures. 

Logistics and Program Details
•    Multiple program dates and locations to choose from. Additional dates and locations are being actively planned. 
•    In-person instruction ONLY (no virtual attendance).
•    Each program will be three (3) consecutive weeks, with five (5) hours of instruction one day per week. 
•    Lunch and snacks will be provided. 
•    Each class is limited to 20-30 students (depending on classroom size). Be sure to register as soon as possible to reserve your spot!

Who Should Attend?
•    Recommended attendees are those part of, or interested in assisting, small and/or distressed water and wastewater systems, including: water and/or wastewater professionals; operators, ORCs, and managers; local electricity or utility professionals and state or local government personnel.
•    Interested attendees are encouraged to bring multiple participants from their facility (3 to 5 recommended), and/or invite colleagues from surrounding facilities to create a framework for long-term success. Attendees are encouraged to invite their local leadership (up to 2 people) to attend lunch and the final hour of class on the last day of instruction (12-2 PM on Day 3).
•    NOTE: The program will be focused on smaller water and wastewater systems, but it is not a requirement for attending.

Continuing Education Details
•    12 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) from IEP
      (Please include your drinking water and/or wastewater operator certification number(s) during registration.)
•    Approved NC Drinking Water PGH Course ID# 250008 (12 hours)
•    Approved NC Wastewater CE Course ID# CE01282501 (12 hours)
•    Professional Engineers may use the PDHs towards their continuing education credits at their discretion.

Program Dates and Offerings
•    Pre-registration for the courses below is required! Each attendee must submit a registration. Register HERE for a FREE 3-session WWEE Training courses.
•    Additional programs will be scheduled! Be sure to sign up for the interest list HERE to be notified about additional class locations and dates when they are scheduled. 

•    Class #1: Greenville, NC (Tuesdays, April 1-15, 2025)
Dates: April 1, April 8, and April 15, 2025
Location: Greenville Utility Commission's WWTP, 240 Aqua Ln, Greenville, NC 27834
Class size limit: 30
Last date to register: (EXTENDED) Friday, March 28, 2025

    Class #2: Sanford, NC (Tuesdays, June 10-24, 2025)
Dates: June 10, June 17, and June 24, 2025
Location: Sanford Water Reclamation Facility, 5327 Iron Furnace Rd, Sanford, NC 27330
Class size limit: 20
Last date to register: (EXTENDED) Friday, June 6, 2025

•    Class #3: Wallace, NC (Tuesdays, Sept. 16-30, 2025)
Dates: September 16, September 23, and September 30, 2025
Location: Wallace Public Works, 838 Old Wilmington Rd, Wallace, NC  28466 (a.k.a. 838 S. Wilmington Rd, Wallace, NC 28466)
Class size limit: 25
Last date to register: (EXTENDED) Friday, September 12, 2025

•    Course details for 3-session Water and Wastewater Energy Efficiency (WWEE) Training:
Cost: FREE
Registration and sign-in: 8:00-8:30 AM (first day only)
Training: 8:30 AM-2:00 PM (each of the three days)
Course sessions: Three (3) consecutive weeks, with five (5) hours of in-person instruction one day per week
Professional Development Hours (PDHs): 12
Lunch and light refreshments included

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
•    Is there a cost to attend this training?
No, this program is provided at no cost for all attendees.

•    I am interested but cannot attend the sessions listed. When will additional sessions be released? 
We are actively working to determine additional dates and locations. We will update the website as details are released. Be sure to sign up for the interest list HERE to be notified about future training sessions. 

•    Who should attend this program?
Managers and/or operators of wastewater treatment plants, particularly from systems designated as distressed, who are interested in learning more about how energy efficiency can save their system money through low and even no-cost adjustments. (See ‘Who Should Attend?’, above)

•    Is lunch included?
Yes, and light break refreshments!

•    Do I have to attend all three (3) weeks? What if I miss a day?
Your in-person presence for all three (3) weeks of the program is requested. If you wish to receive PDH/CE credits approved by NC, attendance for the full course is required. Unfortunately, partial credits cannot be issued per NC rules.
Also note that our training partner (IEP) will record (audio and video) one of the full programs for students who have missed a class and wish to make it up. The recordings will be maintained by IEP and provided to attendees on an as-needed basis. They are not intended to be used in-lieu of in-person instruction.

•    I am interested in learning more. Where do I go for more information?
Keep an eye on this website for further updates
Be sure to sign up for the interest list HERE as well. 
You may also reach out to our training partner, IEP, at +1 (877) 7-THE-IEP.

Please note: This training information is also available on the (DEQ) State Energy Office website.









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