
512 NSalisbury Street
  Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
  Raleigh, North Carolina
September 13, 2012
9:00  A.M.
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please
so state at this time. 
Stephen T. Smith, Chairman, Presiding
I.   Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from July 12, 2012 Commission Meeting
II. Action Items
1. 12-22  Request Approval of the Proposed Water Supply Reclassification (p 1)
    for the Segment of the Roanoke River along the Bertie/Martin
    County Line to Class WS-IV Critical Area and WS-IV
    (DWQ) Elizabeth Kountis & Danny Smith
Attachment A – Roanoke River ROP (pp A1-65)
2. 12-23  Continued Consideration of the Request for Approval of the Statewide (p 1)
    Mercury TMDL and Wastewater Permitting Strategy
    (DWQ) Kathy Stecker
Attachment A – NC Mercury TMDL 7.6.12  (pp A1-91)
Attachment B – Mercury Post TMDL Permitting Strategy Final  (pp B1-3)
Attachment C – 5m Agenda 2 – EPA Region 4 Discussion  (pp C1-10)
3. 12-24 Request for Approval of Request for Public Comment on the 
             Questions of  (1) Whether the EMC Should be More Involved
             in Setting Future Assessment Methodologies for Developing
             the State’s List of Impaired Waters Pursuant to the Clean Water
             Act, and if so, (2) To What Extent
  (Chairman Steve Smith)
4. 12-25  Request for Waiver of 30 day Rule and Approval to Proceed to  (p 1)
    Public Notice and Hearing with Revisions to the Consolidated
    Buffer Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0295) That Were
    Approved for Public Notice and Hearing by the EMC in the
    July 2012 Meeting and for the Proposed Repeal of Buffer
    Mitigation Rules for the Neuse River (15A NCAC 02B .0242),
    Catawba River (02B .0244), Randleman Lake (02B .0252),
    Tar-Pamlico River (02B .0260), Jordan Lake (02B .0268), and
    Goose Creek Watersheds (02B .0609) and Associated Fiscal Note
    (DWQ) Amy Chapman
Attachment A – Repealing Buffer Rules  (pp A1-50)
Attachment B – Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 5.0 Version (pp B1-15)
5. 12-26 Request to Proceed to Public Notice for Repeal of the Clean (p 1)
             Water Bond Act (01A NCAC 22 .0101-.0102, .0201- .0209,
   .0301-.0303, .0401 -.0403, .0501-.0506, .0601 -.0606, .0701 –
   .0704, .0801- .0802, .0901 -.0906, .1001 -.1002, .1101- .1103)
   (DWQ) Gary Kreiser
Attachment A – Fiscal Note for Repeal of Rules De Minimis  (pp A1-32)
6. 12-27  Request for Adoption of Proposed Changes to Rulemaking (p 1)
              Petition Rules Codified in 15A NCAC 2I .0501
              (DWQ) Sandra Moore
Attachment A – 2I 0501 FN Copy  (pp A1-15)
7. 12-28  Request for Approval of Pittsboro’s Local Program (p 1)
     Implementing the Jordan Lake New Development Stormwater
     Rule, and Delegation of Further Approval Authority to the
     DWQ Director
     (DWQ) Jason Robinson
Attachment A – Pittsboro Jordan New Development Program (pp A1-145)


8.  12-29  Presentation of Administrative Law Judge's Recommended  (p 1)
     Decision, House of Raeford Farms, Inc. v. NCDENR,
    10 EHR 5508, Duplin Co.
     (AG) Frank Crawley
Attachment A – Index to Official Record House of Raeford (pp A1-4)
  Farms v. NCDENR, 10 EHR 5508, Duplin Co.
Attachment B - Official Record  (pp B1-488)
Attachment C – Transcript
    Attachment D – Respondent’s Exceptions to ALJ’s Decision (pp D1-15)
  and Request for Oral Argument
Attachment E – Petitioner’s Exceptions and Objections to (pp E1-23)
  Recommended Decision
Attachment F – Petitioner’s Proposed Final Agency Decision (pp F1-20)
Attachment G – Request for Oral Argument to the Commission (pp G1)
  and Waiver of Service
 Attachment H - Petitioner's Memorandum of Law to the EMC (pp H1-10)
 Attachment I - Respondent's Brief Property of the Civil Penalty (pp I1-17)
9.  12-30  Presentation of Administrative Law Judge's Recommended  (p 1)
     Decision, Pamlico-Tar River Foundation, Carolina Coastal
     Federation, Environmental Defense and Sierra Club v.
     NCDENR and PCS Phosphate Company, Inc.,
     09 EHR 1839
     Alexander Elkan (BrooksPierce)
     John Payne (AG's Office)
     Derb Carter (Southern Environmental Law Center)
Attachment A – Outline of Index of Materials to  (pp A1-9)
  Official Record PCS Phosphate Company, Inc  
  09 EHR 1839 (Index is Official Record)
Attachment B – Order Extending Time to File Exceptions  (pp B1-2)
Attachment C – Intervenor PCS Brief in Support of ALJ  (pp C1-164)
  Decision & NCDENR DWQ Issuance of the 401 Cert. 
Attachment D – Respondent’s Brief in Support of Upholding  (pp D1-26)
Attachment E – Amended Cert of Service for Intervenor  (pp E1-4)
  Brief in Support of the ALJ Decision & NCDENR DWQ
  Issuance of the 401 Certification
Attachment F – Petitioners’ Exceptions to ALJ Recommended  (pp F1-52)
Attachment G – Petitioners’ Memo in Support of Exceptions  (pp G1-77)
  to ALJ Recommended Decision


III.  Status Report by EMC Committee Chairmen
a. Water Allocation Committee
b. Water Quality Committee
c. Groundwater Committee
d. Air Quality Committee
e. Steering Committee
f. NPDES Committee
g. Renewable Energy Committee
IV.  Concluding Remarks
By Commission Members
By Directors
By Counsel
By Chairman
Adjournment AG09-13-12