512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina
January 10, 2013
9:00 A.M.
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please
so state at this time.
Stephen T. Smith, Chairman, Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order
2. Swearing-in Ceremony
3. Approval of minutes from November 8 and December 03, 2012 Commission Meeting
II. Action Items
1. 13-01 Request for Approval of Typographical Corrections to (p 1)
15A NCAC 02H .1005 and Approval to Proceed to the RRC
(DWQ) Robert Patterson
2. 13-02 Request Approval to Proceed to Public Notice with Session Law (p 1)
Revisions to the Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy and Approval
Of the Fiscal Analysis
(DWQ) Michael Hermann
Attachment A – Report on Session Law Changes to Jordan (pp A1-158)
Lake Nutrient Strategy
3. 13-03 Request for Adoption of Hearing Officer’s Recommendations (p 1)
On Proposed Changes to Groundwater Rules: 15A NCAC 02L
.0113 – Variance and .0202 – Groundwater Standards
Dickson Phillips
4. 13-04 Request Approval of the Proposed Reclassification of Segments (pp 1-2)
Of Maiden and Allen Creeks in Catawba and Lincoln Counties
(Catawba River Basin) to Class WS-V
(DWQ) Corey Basinger
5. 13-05 Request for Approval of 2014 303(d) Listing Methodology (p 1)
(DWQ) Kathy Stecker
Attachment A – Public Comments – Draft 2014 303(d) (pp A1-39)
Listing Methodology
Attachment B - Public Review Draft 2014 303(d) Listing Methods (pp B1-14)
Attachment C - Revised Draft 2014 303(d) Listing Methodology (pp C1-13)
13-06 Request that the Environmental Management Commission Delegate
Limited Authority to a Special Air Permit Appeals Committee for
Final Agency Decision (Resolution)
Chairman Smith
III. Information Items
1. 13-01 Update on the Mining & Energy Commission
Tracy Davis
2. 13-02 Request for Environmental Management Commission (EMC) (p 1)
Review of the Fiscal Analysis Prepared for Proposed
Amendments to the Surface Water Quality Standards Rules:
15A NCAC 02B .0200, in accordance with the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act
(DWQ) Connie Brower
3. 13-03 Water Quality Rulemaking in Response to the Clean Energy and (p 1) Economic Security Act (Senate Bill 820)
(DWQ) Evan Kane
4. 13-04 Report on Permit Application Status
(DWQ) Ted Bush
Attachment A - List of DWQ Permit Applications with a Requested (p A1)
Public Hearing or a Likely Request for Public Hearing
(DAQ) Sheila Holman
IV. Status Report by EMC Committee Chairmen
a. Water Allocation Committee
b. Air Quality Committee
c. Steering Committee
d. Water Quality Committee
e. Groundwater Committee
f. NPDES Committee
g. Renewable Energy Committee
V. Concluding Remarks
By Commission Members
By Directors
By Counsel
By Chairman
Adjournment AG01-10-13