512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina
May 9, 2013
9:00 A.M.
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please
so state at this time.
Stephen T. Smith, Chairman, Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from March 14, 2013 Commission Meeting
II. Action Items
1. 13-13 Request for Adoption of Hearing Officers’ Recommendations for (p 1)
Modification of Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Department’s
Interbasin Transfer Certificate
Modification of Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Department’s
Interbasin Transfer Certificate
(DWR) Toya Ogallo
Attachment C - Notice of Public Hearings (pp C1-3)
Attachment D - Regulations (pp D1-33)
Attachment E:
Part 1 Environmental Assessment (pp E1-38)
Part 2 Appendix A to the EA (Supporting Documents and Data) (pp E39-308)
Part 3 Appendix B to the EA (2001 Environmental Document) (pp E309-436)
Part 4 Appendix C to the EA (FONSI and Agency Correspondence) (pp E437-466)
Attachment E:
Part 1 Environmental Assessment (pp E1-38)
Part 2 Appendix A to the EA (Supporting Documents and Data) (pp E39-308)
Part 3 Appendix B to the EA (2001 Environmental Document) (pp E309-436)
Part 4 Appendix C to the EA (FONSI and Agency Correspondence) (pp E437-466)
Part 5 Town of Mint Hill Post-Construction Ordinance (pp E467-547)
2. 13-14 Request forApproval of Proposed Rule Amendments to Phase II (p 1)
Stormwater Requirements in Accordance with S.L. 2011-220
Stormwater Requirements in Accordance with S.L. 2011-220
(DWQ) Bradley Bennett
Attachment A – Public Notice Proposed Rules (pp A1-6)
Attachment B – SL2011-220 (pp B1-2)
3. 13-15 Hearing Officers Recommendation on Proposed Modifications to (p 1)
the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules
the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules
(DWQ) Eric Kulz
Attachment A – Hearing Officer's Report (pp A1-218)
III. Information Items
1. 13-06 Process to develop Stormwater Control Rules for shale gas sites
per SL 2012-143
per SL 2012-143
(DWQ) Bradley Bennett/Evan Kane
2. 13-07 Update on the North Carolina Nutrient Criteria Development Plan (p 1)
(DWQ) Dianne Reid
IV. Status Report by EMC Committee Chairmen
a. Water Allocation Committee
b. Steering Committee
c. Air Quality Committee
d. Groundwater Committee
e. NPDES Committee
f. Water Quality Committee
g. Renewable Energy Committee
V. Concluding Remarks
By Commission Members
By Directors
By Counsel
By Chairman
Adjournment AG05-09-13