March 13 GWC Agenda

March 13, 2013
11:00 AM
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Call to Order and Notice of NCGS § 138A-15 ………………………………...…………………..Chairman Martin
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the EMC Groundwater Committee. 
If so, please state at this time. 
Opening Remarks.........................................................................……Chairman Martin
Information Items:
# 1     Update on Aquifer Storage and Recovery in North Carolina – (Information item) 
             (Thomas Slusser, DWQ)
Staff will provide a refresher on Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) technology, recent
injection well rule revisions related to ASR, and updates on the state’s two permitted 
facilities. Additionally, there will be a brief discussion of emerging issues related to ASR. 
#2  DENR Response to Pesticide Contamination Incidents (Information item) (Evan Kane, DWQ)
DWQ and DWM have been working together to respond to incidents of groundwater 
contamination from past pesticide use. These efforts have included investigation 
of the cause and extent of contamination, notification of potentially affected well users,
and provision of alternative water supplies. DWQ and DWM are also assessing the 
potential for more such incidents to arise. Staff will present background on these incidents 
and an overview of the response efforts. 
Closing Remarks..................……………………………..….….………………………………..…..Chairman Martin