

512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina

July 10, 2014
9:00 a.m.

Benne C. Hutson, Chairman, Presiding
I.  Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from May 8, 2014 and June 10, 2014 Commission Meetings
II.  Action Items

1. 14-17  Request by Iluka Resources' for a Declaratory Ruling on the
             Applicability of 15A NCAC 02I .0601 - Dam Safety Law to Iluka’s
             Planned Aurelian Springs Mineral Sands Mine

             (AG’s Office) John Payne

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION  - (Matthew Hanchey, Hunton & Williams)

Attachment A - N.C.G.S. § 150B-4 
Attachment B - 15A NCAC 02I .0600 et seq. 
Attachment C - Request for Declaratory Ruling 
Attachment D - Exhibits to Request for Declaratory Ruling
Attachment E - Stipulated Facts
Attachment F - Respondent's Brief
Attachment G - Memorandum in Support  
Attachment H - Iluka VA - 1
Attachment I -  Iluka VA - 2
Attachment J -  Iluka VA - 3
Attachment K -  Diagram 
2. 14-18  Request for Waiver of 30-day Rule and Request to Proceed to Public
              Comment and Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Stormwater 
              Rule 15A NCAC 02H .1002 including a Definition of Gravel and 
              Approval of the Fiscal Note in Accordance with G. S. 150B-19.1(e)

              (DEMLR) Julie Ventaloro
Attachment A – Proposed Amendments 15A NCAC 2H .1002
Attachment B – Fiscal Note 15A NCAC 2H .1002 
3. 14-19  Request Approval to Proceed to Public Comment with Rules Review
              of 15A NCAC 02R in Accordance with SL 2013-413 (HB74)

              (NCEEP) Kelly Williams
Attachment A- 15A NCAC 02R Determinations
4. 14-20  Request for Approval to Proceed to Public Comment with Rules
              Review of 15A NCAC 02S in accordance with SL 2013-413 (HB74)
                        (DWM) Peter Doorn
Attachment A – 15A NCAC 02S Rules Review Report
5. 14-21  Request for 30 day waiver and Request to Proceed to Hearing on
              Revisions to Open Burning Rules to Reflect S.L. 2013-413 (521)

              (DAQ) Joelle Burleson
Attachment A – Rule Summary Table 
Attachment B – Proposed Rules
Attachment C -  Fiscal Note
Attachment D – S.L. 2013-413, Part V, Section 29
6. 14-22  Request for 30-day Waiver and Request to Proceed to Hearing to
              Revise Permit Term to Reflect S. L. 2013-413 (522)

              (DAQ) Steve Schlieser
Attachment A – Rule Summary Table
Attachment B – Proposed Rules
Attachment C -  Fiscal Note
Attachment D – S.L. 2013-413, Part V, Section 28 
6.  14-23   Request Approval of the Proposed Reclassification of a Portion
                of the Green River, including Lake Adger, in Polk County
                (Broad River Basin) to Class WS-IV

                Commissioner Bill Puette
                (DWR) Elizabeth Kountis
Attachment A – ROP for Green River Proposed Reclassification
7. 14-24   Request for 30-day Waiver and Petition for Rulemaking 
    15A NCAC 2L .0400 - Amendment to Risk-based Assessment
    and Correction Action for Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks
    (Petitioner) Marvin E. Taylor, Jr. Esq. (pro se)
    (AG's Office) Jay Osborne 
Attachment A - Petition and Attachments 
Attachment B - DWM's Recommendation
Attachment C - Petition for Rulemaking Follow-up Letter (dtd 6-17-14)
  III. Concluding Remarks
By Commission Members
By Directors
By Counsel
By Chairman
Adjournment 07-10-14