512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina
July 10, 2014
9:00 a.m.
1. 14-17 Request by Iluka Resources' for a Declaratory Ruling on the
Applicability of 15A NCAC 02I .0601 - Dam Safety Law to Iluka’s
Planned Aurelian Springs Mineral Sands Mine
(AG’s Office) John Payne
POWERPOINT PRESENTATION - (Matthew Hanchey, Hunton & Williams)
Attachment E - Stipulated Facts
Attachment F - Respondent's Brief
Attachment G - Memorandum in Support
Comment and Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Stormwater
Rule 15A NCAC 02H .1002 including a Definition of Gravel and
Approval of the Fiscal Note in Accordance with G. S. 150B-19.1(e)
(DEMLR) Julie Ventaloro
of 15A NCAC 02R in Accordance with SL 2013-413 (HB74)
(NCEEP) Kelly Williams
Review of 15A NCAC 02S in accordance with SL 2013-413 (HB74)
Revisions to Open Burning Rules to Reflect S.L. 2013-413 (521)
(DAQ) Joelle Burleson
Attachment B – Proposed Rules
Attachment C - Fiscal Note
Attachment D – S.L. 2013-413, Part V, Section 29
Revise Permit Term to Reflect S. L. 2013-413 (522)
(DAQ) Steve Schlieser
Attachment B – Proposed Rules
Attachment C - Fiscal Note
Attachment D – S.L. 2013-413, Part V, Section 28
of the Green River, including Lake Adger, in Polk County
(Broad River Basin) to Class WS-IV
Commissioner Bill Puette
(DWR) Elizabeth Kountis
and Correction Action for Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks
(Petitioner) Marvin E. Taylor, Jr. Esq. (pro se)
(AG's Office) Jay Osborne
Attachment B - DWM's Recommendation
Attachment C - Petition for Rulemaking Follow-up Letter (dtd 6-17-14)