September 10 WQC Agenda
September 10, 2014
Archdale Building-Ground Floor Hearing Room
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Environmental Management Commission’s Water Quality Committee. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict, please so state at this time.
Chairman Steve Tedder, Chairman Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Approval of Summary for July 9, 2014 WQC meeting (attached).
II. Agenda Items
1. Mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Review and Permitting Strategy – (Information Item) (Jeff Poupart)
The Environmental Management Commission (EMC) approved a statewide mercury TMDL and permitting strategy in September 2012. Staff will review the TMDL and permitting strategy, and discuss sources of mercury. An update on implementation of the permitting strategy will also be provided. (Attachments enclosed: NC Statewide Mercury TMDL , NC Post-TMDL Wastewater Permitting Strategy, and Powerpoint)
2. Status of Tar-Pamlico Phase IV Agreement- (Information Item) (John Huisman)
The Division of Water Resources’ (DWR) Planning staff is currently working with stakeholders on the Phase IV Agreement, the next iteration of a nutrient control Agreement for point source discharges in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. The first phase of the Agreement was initiated in 1990 in response to nutrient-driven water quality impairments in the Pamlico River estuary and its Nutrient Sensitive Water designation. The Agreement launched and remains an important part of the overall Tar-Pamlico nutrient management strategy. It establishes the performance goals for the nutrient strategy of 30 percent reduction in nitrogen loading from a baseline year of 1991 and no increase in loading of phosphorus from that baseline. An association of point source dischargers, the Tar-Pamlico Basin Association, receives collective annual end-of-pipe nitrogen and phosphorus loading caps. In the event that either cap is exceeded, the Association will fund agricultural practices at a predetermined cost-effectiveness rate to offset those exceedences through the NC Agriculture Cost Share Program. Staff will provide an update on the status and timeline for finalizing the Phase IV Agreement. (Attachment enclosed: PowerPoint)
3. Status of Jordan and Falls Existing Development Stormwater Model Program – (Information Item) (Rich Gannon)
Existing Development Stormwater rules under the Jordan and Falls nutrient strategies include a requirement for the EMC to approve a model local program to guide development of local load reduction plans. In July 2013, the EMC deferred action on a draft model program and directed DWR to continue pursuing fuller development of certain elements of the model through processes underway at the time. DWR staff will provide an update on the progress of these processes and an updated timeline for completion of the model program. (Attachment enclosed: Status Update for Jordan and Falls Existing Development Stormwater Model Programs, and Powerpoint)
4. Status of Jordan Lake Solarbee – (Information Item) (Tom Reeder)
Powerpoint presentation for Jordan Solarbee Demonstration Project
5. 2014 Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Annual Report- (No presentation)
III. Closing Comments Chairman Tedder
This agenda is available on the internet at