Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Program

To see a map of nutrient offset and buffer mitigation banks in North Carolina, click here. 

Nutrient Offset & Buffer Compensatory Mitigation

If a proposed development project has explored all practical alternatives for avoiding and minimizing impacts, and project impacts exceed applicable permit thresholds, then mitigation will be required. The mitigation plan must be implemented and/or constructed before any permanent building or structure on site is occupied. In the case of a public road project, the mitigation plan must be implemented before the road is opened to the public. Proof of payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program or completion of an approved permit-specific mitigation project must be provided to DWR to satisfy this requirement. Options for compensatory mitigation include:

Nutrient Offset Mitigation may be required for any new or existing development where nutrient reduction requirements exist as part of a nutrient management strategy. In North Carolina, there are four nutrient management strategies: Neuse River Basin, Tar-Pamlico River Basin, Falls Lake Watershed and Jordan Lake Watershed. Please visit the Division of Water Resource's Planning Section website for more information on Nutrient Practices and Crediting. This map is a very useful tool provided by DWR that provides site-specific details including the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC), river basin, watershed, sub-watershed, and delivery factors where applicable. 

Purchasing nutrient offset credits from a private mitigation bank or the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) are options available to new or existing development where nutrient reduction requirements exist. All payments must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703, the Nutrient Offset Credit Trading rule (*readopted effective 4/1/20, recodified from 15A NCAC 02B .0240, the former "Nutrient Offset Payments" rule) and G.S. 143-214.26.

Riparian Buffer Mitigation may be required for any project within an area covered by a Riparian Buffer Protection Rule for impacts to the protected riparian buffer listed as "(potentially) allowable with mitigation", " allowable with mitigation upon authorization", or "prohibited" in the Table of Uses. For more information about the Riparian Buffer Protection Rules, including the Table of Uses, please see the 401 & Buffer Permitting Statutes & Rules.

Purchasing Riparian Buffer Credits from a private mitigation bank or the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) are options available to meet buffer mitigation requirements.  Use the  Location of Buffer Mitigation Guidance Table to determine where the buffer mitigation needs to be located.  Then, pick from an available private bank within that location using the table below or the map.  If there is no private bank with buffer credits available within that specific location, contact the DMS at 919-707-8915. 

Guidance Documents


Private Mitigation Banks

Neuse River Basin (excluding Falls Lake Watershed) Private Banks

For more information about the Neuse Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Eco Terra, LLC
Michael Beinenson
AcornYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Anderson Farm IIYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Black DirtYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Eco Terra, LLC
Michael Beinenson
Britt and HalesYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)RestorEcology Neuse, LLC
Daniel Ramsay
(919) 817-7378
Brooks SwampYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings II, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Buck SwampYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Buffalo BranchYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings II, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Caraway CreekYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Caraway Bluff Phase IIYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Cox PondYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Falling CreekYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Grantham BranchYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Hatch's HillYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Hannah BridgeYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Water & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
HollowellYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Water & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
Hungry JackYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Little River Ford IINo / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Little River - WeaverYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Loop RoadYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Long PondYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Meadow SpringYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Moccasin CreekYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
O'Berry RoadYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings II, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Old SavannahYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Water & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Pickle Creek Phase IINo/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
PolecatYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Poplar CreekYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Restoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Raleigh Farm AYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Restoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Raleigh Farm BCYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
RosewoodYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Water & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Sassafras Phase IINo/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Sassarixa Swamp Phase IIYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Selma MillYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Shady GroveYes/Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Stone CreekYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Wildlands Holdings III, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Thoroughfare SwampYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Thunder Swamp Phase IIYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Uzzle Yes / No
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Restoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Weaver FarmYes / Yes
03020201 Neuse (excluding Falls)Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Wolf KingYes / Yes
03020202 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Creeping Swamp Phase ANo/Yes
03020202 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Creeping Swamp Phase BNo/Yes
03020202 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Creeping Swamp Phase CDNo/Yes
03020202 NeuseGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
LaGrange Phase IYes / Yes
03020202 NeuseGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
LaGrange Phase IIYes / Yes
03020202 NeuseWater & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
ScarboroughYes / Yes
03020202 NeuseEBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Tull Wooten IIIYes / Yes
03020203 NeuseGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
Contentnea /
Little Contentnea Creek
Yes / Yes
03020203 NeuseEco Terra, LLC
Michael Beinenson
Kittrell Hill Yes / Yes
03020203 NeuseEBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
NahuntaNo / Yes
03020203 NeuseCity of Wilson Stormwater Division
Noah Parsons
Whirligig Station SCMNo/Yes
03020204 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Foy FarmNo/Yes
03020204 NeuseEco Terra, LLC
Michael Beinenson
Joshua CreekYes/Yes
03020204 NeuseEBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
MarstonNo / Yes
03020204 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
03020204 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Saints DelightNo/Yes
03020204 NeuseRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Upper MusselshellNo/Yes

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

Falls Lake Watershed Private Banks

For more information about the Falls Lake Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Watershed Investments NC, LLC
Mike Hermann
Banished BullYes / Yes
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2EBX Neuse 1, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
BucherYes / No
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Wildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Catfish Pond IIYes / Yes
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Cedar GroveYes / Yes
Upper &Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC
Amy Staley
HatleyYes / Yes
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Wildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
North Fork Little RiverYes / Yes
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Wildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Perry Hill IIYes / Yes
Upper & Lower Falls Lake Watersheds2Wildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
WolfeYes / Yes
Lower Falls Lake WatershedEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
EzellYes / Yes

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

2 Impacts in the Upper Falls Watershed must be offset by nutrient reductions (Bank or NCDMS) in the Upper Falls Watershed; impacts in the Lower Falls Watershed may be offset by nutrient reductions in either the Lower Falls or Upper Falls Watersheds.

Jordan Lake Watershed Private Banks

For more information about the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
Upper New Hope ArmRestorEcology Jordan, LLC
Daniel Ramsay
(919) 817-7378
Bandit FarmsYes / Yes
Upper New Hope ArmEBX-EM, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Ivey FergusonNo / Yes
Upper New Hope Arm
Amy Staley
Maple ViewNo / Yes
Upper New Hope ArmWatershed Investments NC, LLC
Mike Hermann
Neville Farms Phase IYes / Yes
Upper New Hope ArmWatershed Investments NC, LLC
Mike Hermann
Neville Farms Phase IIYes / Yes
Haw River ArmRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Bass MountainYes / Yes
Haw River ArmRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Benton BranchYes / Yes
Haw River ArmWildlands Holdings IV, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Bethel BranchYes / No
Haw River ArmKCI Technologies, Inc.
Adam Spiller
Black BullYes / Yes
Haw River ArmEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Cloud & BannerYes / Yes
Haw River ArmDavey Resources Group, Inc 
Caitlan Parker
Dutch FarmsYes/Yes
Haw River ArmRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Motes CreekYes / Yes
Haw River ArmRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Orphan CreekYes / Yes
Haw River ArmRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Rocky TopYes / Yes
Haw River ArmWildlands Holdings IV, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
South ForkYes / Yes
Haw River ArmEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Tobacco RoadYes/Yes
Haw River ArmWildlands Holdings VI, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Twin BurrosYes/Yes
Haw River ArmWildlands Holdings IV, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
UT to Pine Hill BranchYes / Yes
Haw River ArmKCI Technologies, Inc.
Adam Spiller
Zeb CreekYes/Yes

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

Randleman Lake Watershed Private Banks

For more information about the Randleman Lake Water Supply Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

 Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
03030003 Randleman Lake WatershedEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Bobs BranchYes/No
03030003 Randleman Lake WatershedClearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC
Kevin Yates
EMH FarmYes/ No
03030003 Randleman Lake WatershedEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
Feed & SeedYes / No
03030003 Randleman Lake WatershedWildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Loflin Dairy Phase IIYes / No
03030003 Randleman Lake WatershedEcoMAA Holdings I, LLC
Travis Hamrick
Wall IIYes/ No

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

Tar-Pamlico River Basin Private Banks

For more information about the Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

 Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
03020101 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Dead Tree Phase ANo / Yes
03020101 Tar-PamlicoWildlands Holdings VIII, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Great MeadowYes/Yes
03020101 Tar-PamlicoWater & Land Solutions, LLC
Riane Welbourne
03020101 Tar-PamlicoMogensen Mitigation, Inc.
Rich Mogensen
Tar River HeadwatersYes / Yes
03020102 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Bells BridgeNo / Yes
03020102 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Dead Tree Phase BNo / Yes
03020102 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
White FarmNo / Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
Baldwin SwampYes / Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
Barlow CanalNo / Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
Elm GroveNo/Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
Evans BallahackNo / Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoRestoration Systems, LLC
Caitlan Parker
GUCYes / Yes
03020103 Tar-PamlicoGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
PactolusNo / Yes
03020104 Tar-PamlicoGreene Environmental Services, LLC
Jeffrey Becker
Dixon RoadYes / Yes

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

Catawba River Watershed Private Banks

For more information about the Catawba Nutrient Management Strategy, click here.

 Service Area
(where credits can be provided)
Private Bank Sponsor/
Contact for Sales
Mitigation Bank
Site Name
Buffer Credit/
Nutrient Credit
Bank Documents1
03050101 CatawbaEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (RES)
Amy Staley
DogtownYes / No
03050101 CatawbaWildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
Double RockYes / No
03050101 CatawbaWildlands Holdings V, LLC
Camden Brunick
704-332-7754 x114 (O)
919-219-6162 (C)
FirestoneYes / No

1 Credit ledgers are updated monthly when possible and are audited by DWR annually. Please contact the bank directly for current credit availability.

N.C. Division of Mitigation Services

For information about the In-Lieu Fee mitigation programs offered by the N.C. Division of Mitigation Services, click here.

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