NPDES Meeting Request

NPDES Application Submittal Meeting Requests

If you would like to schedule an application submittal meeting, please complete the Online Meeting Request form located at the bottom of this page at least two weeks prior to your desired submittal date. Staff will contact you to confirm the meeting date, time and location. Meetings will be coordinated based on the program utilized and may require coordination with the regional office that has oversight of the county in which the proposed project may take place.
The submittal meeting process is a much more formal process and should be utilized when the applicant is ready to submit the project for review. The NPDES unit and Regional Offices will gladly discuss issues related to the permitting process, rules and regulations, or anything related to the permitting programs that we have oversight over via phone and email. 
Please direct questions to Caroline Robinson at 919-707-9130 or
Application Submittal Meeting Request Form

In an effort to address this request as expeditiously as possible, we ask that you provide the following information so that we can route this request to the appropriate staff and contact you as soon as possible.

Please complete all required items indicated with *

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