NCWAM Manual

The North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) is the culmination of a process begun in 2003 by an interagency team of federal and state agency staff, the N.C. Wetland Functional Assessment Team (WFAT). The goal of the WFAT was to develop an accurate, consistent, rapid, observational, and scientifically based field method to determine the level of function of a wetland relative to reference condition (where appropriate) for each of 16 North Carolina general wetland types. The WFAT defined rapid€ as taking no more than 15 additional minutes for a trained observer to evaluate a wetland within an assessment area.


NC WAM was created to be used for project planning, alternatives analysis, compliance and enforcement, mitigation planning, and tracking functional replacement. The details of how NC WAM will be used will be developed by the regulatory agencies after appropriate public notice and comment.


NCWAM Documents available for download:

NCWAM User Manual and Appendices Version 5

NCWAM Dichotomous Key v5

NCWAM Field Assessment Form v5

NCWAM Toolbox (Database for storing manually entered FAF or FAF from a GPS unit):

NCWAM Toolbox User Manual

NCWAM Toolbox Database

NCWAM Toolbox Data Dictionary

NCWAM Excel Rating Calculator:

NCWAM Rating Calculator

Rating Calculator Template

DWR does not currently have NC WAM classes planned for 2015. Resource Institute Inc. may offer classes in 2015 if there is enough interest. You can contact them at (336) 750-0522 to have your name placed on a class request list.

Please email Amanda Mueller with DWR or call (919) 707-8780  if you need further assistance.