American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), signed into law on March 11, 2021, provided more than $8 billion to North Carolina for COVID-19 relief and economic recovery. DEQ is distributing ARPA funding through water infrastructure and energy grant programs.
Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure

DEQ’s Division of Water Infrastructure is administering $1.9 billion from ARPA for more than 800 drinking water, wastewater and stormwater projects through construction and planning grants for local government units. These projects will provide new water and sewer connections, repair and replace aging pipes and equipment, improve infrastructure resilience, and build capacity for economic development in communities across North Carolina.
Learn about environmental permitting for ARPA projects.
Energy Efficiency & Weatherization

DEQ’s State Energy Office distributed a total of $13 million in ARPA funds to expand key energy efficiency and energy assistance initiatives:
$9 million went to fund household energy projects, which allowed 761 low-income households to receive major repairs, weatherization, energy efficiency or clean energy upgrades.
$4 million went to fund weatherization projects that reduce energy consumption. Of this amount, nearly $800,000 was used in partnership with NC GreenPower to install LED lighting in 60 school gymnasiums in economically distressed counties.
Featured Projects

Discover how DEQ's ARPA funds are benefiting communities across North Carolina.
Small Eastern NC Community "Can't Wait" for DEQ Water Infrastructure Grant | NC DEQ
This page was last modified on 01/18/2024