CDBG-I Environmental Review

This page includes all the information that you need to complete the Environmental Information Document and Environmental Review Record and Final Environmental Document for CDBG-I projects.  Be sure to check this web page frequently for updates, as new guidance is developed periodically.

CDBG-I Environmental Training

Mandatory training will be provided for Responsible Entities and preparers/consultants.  Please contact the CDBG-I Compliance Specialist for your certificate status and information regarding upcoming trainings. 

Policy Updates affecting Environmental Review

CDBG-I Memo: FFRMS Final Rule - added July 2024

HUD Information on FFRMS Final Rule

Final Environmental Documents and Public Notice Information

CDBG-I Exempt (updated 05/11/17) Environmental Document to use for projects that are Exempt
CDBG-I CE Not Subject to (updated 05/11/17) Environmental Document to use for projects that are Categorically Excluded and NOT subject to 58.5
CDBG-I CE Subject to  (updated 05/11/17) Environmental Document to use for projects that are Categorically Excluded but  subject to 58.5
CDBG-I FONSI-EA (updated 05/11/17) Environmental Document to use for projects that require a Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment
CDBG-I FONSI-RROF Notice (updated 05/2023) Form to Complete for publishing the Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request release of Funds for FONSI Projects
CDBG-I RROF Notice (updated 05/2023) Form to Complete for publishing the Notice of  Intent to Request release of funds for Categorically Excluded Projects
CDBG-I RROF Form & Instructions (updated 5/2023) Form and Instructions for completing the Request for Release of Funds and Certification
CDBG-I Flood-FONSI-RROF Notice (updated 5/2023) Form to complete if combining the final floodplain notice with the Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for FONSI projects

Environmental Information Document and Environmental Review Record 

CDBG-I Environmental Review Guidance (updated 6/24)

CDBG-I EID Tables (updated 6/24)

Guidance and tables to use for preparing the Environmental Information Document  and completing the Environmental Review process
CDBG-I Cross Cutter Checklist (updated 6/24) Table to assist with completing cross cutter requirements of the environmental review.
CDBG-I ERR Amendment Form (added 06/16/16) Use this form to amend the Environmental Review Record when there is a change in the project scope.