Topics Related to Coastal Reserve

In 2020, the North Carolina Coastal Reserve & National Estuarine Research Reserve welcomed its first National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellowship recipient, Marae West. This month, after four years of fieldwork and data analysis in the midst of the pandemic, Marae will finish her fellowship.
Follow along as Byron Toothman, Research Biologist for the North Carolina Coastal Reserve & National Estuarine Research Reserve, teaches a co-worker about the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). Read on to learn more about SWMP!
Follow along as Byron Toothman, Research Biologist for the North Carolina Coastal Reserve & National Estuarine Research Reserve, teaches a co-worker about the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). Read on to learn more about SWMP!
I sat down with Byron Toothman, a North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve Research (NCNERR) Biologist, to discover what being a marine scientist is like.
The N.C. Division of Coastal Management and the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office are urging the public to act responsibly during the upcoming July Fourth holiday at the Masonboro Island Reserve, a research reserve and dedicated state nature preserve. In preparation for the holiday, the state coastal agency and the sheriff’s office are working together to provide public safety resources and increase public awareness of responsible visitor behavior on the island.
The application period ends June 30 for N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve local advisory committees. Community members are needed for each of the Coastal Reserve’s ten sites: Bird Island Reserve, Bald Head Woods Reserve, Zeke’s Island Reserve, Masonboro Island Reserve, Permuda Island Reserve, Rachel Carson Reserve, Buxton Woods Reserve, Kitty Hawk Woods Reserve, Currituck Banks Reserve, and Emily and Preyer Buckridge Reserve.
The application period opens June 1 for N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve local advisory committees. Community members are needed for each of the Coastal Reserve’s ten sites: Bird Island Reserve, Bald Head Woods Reserve, Zeke’s Island Reserve, Masonboro Island Reserve, Permuda Island Reserve, Rachel Carson Reserve, Buxton Woods Reserve, Kitty Hawk Woods Reserve, Currituck Banks Reserve, and Emily and Preyer Buckridge Reserve.
The application period opens June 1 for N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve local advisory committees. Community members are needed for each of the Coastal Reserve’s ten sites: Bird Island Reserve, Bald Head Woods Reserve, Zeke’s Island Reserve, Masonboro Island Reserve, Permuda Island Reserve, Rachel Carson Reserve, Buxton Woods Reserve, Kitty Hawk Woods Reserve, Currituck Banks Reserve, and Emily and Preyer Buckridge Reserve.

The N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve will hold a spring local advisory committee meeting for the following reserve site.