Agenda Item F- Town of Winterville Loan Increase Request |
Agenda Item F-1 Attachment for LSLR Summary |
Agenda Item F-1 CDBG-I Projects |
Agenda Item F-1 Town of McAdenville Information |
Agenda Item F-2 CDBG-I Funding |
Agenda Item F-2 Town of Shallotte Information |
Agenda Item G - 1 Attachment for EC Study Preliminary Funding Scenario |
Agenda Item G - Distressed Unit Updates FINAL 9-7-22.pdf |
Agenda Item G - EC Study Funding Scenario |
Agenda Item G Emergency Operating Grant for CSD |
Agenda Item G Kerr Lake WTP Loan Increase Request Dec 2023 |
Agenda Item G Lead Service Line Program Summary 9-14-23 |
Agenda Item G Pikeville EOG Application |
Agenda Item G- CDBG-I Applications and Funding Scenario |
Agenda item G- Distressed Unit Updates |
Agenda Item G- Lead Service Line Summary |
Agenda Item G-1 - DWSRF LSLR Funding Recommendations |
Agenda Item G-1 022123 SWIA mtg MRF Funding Scenarios |
Agenda Item G-1 CDBG-I Project Spreadsheet |
Agenda Item G-1 CDBG-I Project Spreadsheet 2-19-24 |