Geological Survey

Document Name
CSV file for the North Carolina Geological Survey Repository of Core, Cuttings, and Well Logs
Danville 100K Geologic Map
Deep River and Dan River Triassic basins:  Shale inorganic geochemistry for geosteering and  environmental baseline hydraulic fracturing
Deep River and Dan River Triassic basins:  Shale inorganic geochemistry for geosteering and  environmental baseline hydraulic fracturing - Read Me file
Deposits of Brown Iron Ores (Brown Hematite) of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina
DeWitt Landmen Registry 2021
Diabase Dikes of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina
Diabase Dikes of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina - Map
Discharge Records of North Carolina Streams, 1899-1936
Discharge Records of North Carolina Streams  1889-1923
Economic geology of Spruce Pine Pegmatite district, North Carolina Pub and Maps combined
Economic Opportunities for Producing Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware in North Carolina
Esso Hatteras Light #1 well (NCGS # DR-OT-01-46; API 32-055-00001) Dare County, North Carolina, and Mobil State of North Carolina #3 well (NCGS #HY-OT-01-65; API 32-095-00009) Hyde County, North Carolina: Geochemical and organic petrology data report
Experiments in Oyster Culture in Pamlico Sound  North Carolina
Explanatory Text for the 1958 Geologic Map of North Carolina
Exploratory Oil Wells of North Carolina 1925 - 1976
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 1
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 10
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 15