CSV file for the North Carolina Geological Survey Repository of Core, Cuttings, and Well Logs |
Danville 100K Geologic Map |
Deep River and Dan River Triassic basins: Shale inorganic geochemistry for geosteering and environmental baseline hydraulic fracturing |
Deep River and Dan River Triassic basins: Shale inorganic geochemistry for geosteering and environmental baseline hydraulic fracturing - Read Me file |
Deposits of Brown Iron Ores (Brown Hematite) of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina |
DeWitt Landmen Registry 2021 |
Diabase Dikes of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina |
Diabase Dikes of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina - Map |
Discharge Records of North Carolina Streams, 1899-1936 |
Discharge Records of North Carolina Streams 1889-1923 |
Economic geology of Spruce Pine Pegmatite district, North Carolina Pub and Maps combined |
Economic Opportunities for Producing Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware in North Carolina |
Esso Hatteras Light #1 well (NCGS # DR-OT-01-46; API 32-055-00001) Dare County, North Carolina, and Mobil State of North Carolina #3 well (NCGS #HY-OT-01-65; API 32-095-00009) Hyde County, North Carolina: Geochemical and organic petrology data report |
Experiments in Oyster Culture in Pamlico Sound North Carolina |
Explanatory Text for the 1958 Geologic Map of North Carolina |
Exploratory Oil Wells of North Carolina 1925 - 1976 |
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina |
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 1 |
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 10 |
Feldspar Deposits of the Bryson City District, North Carolina - Plate 15 |