EMC Member Qualifications

The Environmental Management Commission was authorized by the N.C. General Assembly under General Statute 143B-283. The enabling legislation states that the commission should have 19 members, including 13 appointed by the Governor, 3 by the Senate Pro Tempore, and 3 by the Speaker of the House. Members appointed by the Governor are to have the following qualifications:

  1. One who shall be a licensed physician with specialized training and experience in the health effects of environmental pollution;
  2. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be actively connected with the Commission for Health Services or local board of health or have experience in health sciences;
  3. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be actively connected with or have had experience in agriculture;
  4. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be a registered engineer with specialized training and experience in water supply or water or air pollution control;
  5. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be actively connected with or have had experience in the fish and wildlife conservation activities of the State;
  6. One who shall, at the time of appointment, have special training and scientific expertise in hydrogeology or groundwater hydrology;
  7. Three members interested in water and air pollution control, appointed from the public at large;
  8. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be actively employed by, or recently retired from, an industrial manufacturing facility and knowledgeable in the field of industrial air and water pollution control;
  9. One who shall, at the time of appointment, be actively connected with or have had experience in pollution control problems of municipal or county government;
  10. One who shall, at the time of appointment, have special training and scientific expertise in air pollution control and the effects of air pollution; and
  11. One who shall, at the time of appointment, have special training and scientific expertise in freshwater, estuarine, marine biological, or ecological sciences.