January 11, 2017 GWWM Committee
512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building-Ground Floor Hearing Room
January 11, 2017
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Bill Puette, Chairman, Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order and Notice of NCGS §138A-15 (Chairman Puette)
General Statute §138A-15 mandates that the Chair inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Environmental Management Commission’s Groundwater and Waste Management Committee. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict, please so state at this time.
Approval of minutes from Groundwater and Waste Management Committee (GWWMC) meeting on November 9, 2016 (attached).
II. Information Item:
1. 130A-309.211 (c1) Status of Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) Provision of Permanent Water Supply (Debra Watts, DWR)
Explanation: In the November 2016 GWWMC meeting, the EMC members requested an update of the Coal Ash Management Act requirement of providing an alternate water supply to residents near coal ash facilities.
Powerpoint Presentation
III. Closing Remarks - Chairman Puette
Adjournment 01-11-17