Martin County WTP Permit # NC0089435


Permit #:  NC0089435
Facility:   Martin County WTP
Owner:    Martin County Regional Water and Sewer Authority
County:   Martin

The Division has made an attempt to post notices in the following newspaper(s):  The Martin County Enterprise

Martin County Regional Water and Sewer Authority applied to renew NPDES permit for their WTP [NC0089435], 1001 Park Street, Williamston, discharging filter-backwash wastewater to Sweetwater Creek, Roanoke River Basin. Currently Total Suspend Solids (TSS), pH, Total Residual Chloride (TRC) and Turbidity are water-quality limited. This discharge may affect future wasteload allocations in this portion of Sweetwater Creek.

Send Comments To:
Water Quality Permitting Section
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617

Comment Period Ends:30-days from publish date

View draft permit and related documents