Registration priority is given to participants who work in North Carolina's 20 Coastal Counties. Workshop recordings will be made available for those interested who are not located in a coastal county.
You must register for each session separately. The sessions are designed to complement each other. Workshops will be hosted on Webex.
Virtual Workshop Sessions:
- Thursday, January 21 – 9:30am-12:00pm
- Registration
- Homework: Review Successful Pre-Proposal (TBA)
- Tuesday, January 26 – 9:30am-12:00pm
- Registration
- Homework: Review Successful Proposal (TBA)
Workshop objectives – Participants will:
- Learn what makes a successful grant proposal;
- Learn about grant opportunities for communities to acquire land and make improvements to beach and waterfront access, parks and boating facilities;
- Learn how to leverage funding from multiple grant sources;
- Network with funding agency representatives to help inform grant proposal development.
Continuing education credits:
2.5 credits/virtual session for synchronous participation
- American Institute of Certified Planners - pending approval
- N.C. Board of Landscape Architects - pending approval
- Certified Floodplain Managers - pending approval
- Engineers will be given certificates of participation to file for PDHs