Officials with the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality will host three listening sessions to obtain additional community feedback on the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project that will traverse eight North Carolina counties. Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC is proposing to construct one compressor station and install about 186 miles of 36-inch transmission pipeline in Northampton, Halifax, Nash, Wilson, Johnston, Sampson, Cumberland and Robeson counties.
The listening sessions are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, Aug. 15: Nash Community College, 522 N. Old Carriage Rd., Rocky Mount, 27804
- Wednesday, Aug. 16: Northampton County Cultural and Wellness Center, 9536 N.C. Hwy. 305, Jackson
- Thursday, Aug. 17: Southeastern Agricultural Center, 1027 U.S. Hwy. 74, Lumberton
Speaker registration and sign-in for all three listening sessions will start at 5:30 p.m. The listening sessions will start at 6 p.m.