Help us protect our nesting American oystercatchers! Shorebird nesting season begins April 1st and runs until August 31st. Masonboro Island hosts 35 and 40 pairs of this species of concern - this is approximately 10% of the State's nesting oystercatchers.
Oystercatchers are territorial nesters that spread all along the length of the island. We post enclosures where birds are nesting around popular landings to limit foot traffic and minimize disturbance from human visitors, while leaving as much of the beach open as possible.
WORK DAY - March 23 from 9 am - 1 pm
Meet at Big Bay Landing (across from and just north of Trails End boat ramp - see the paddling map). Limited transportation is available or you can meet there.
If you would like to volunteer please contact to sign up and meeting details will be provided. *Registration is REQUIRED*