The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold a public engagement sessions June 8 in Lumberton to receive input on how flooding, flood mitigation, and resiliency impact North Carolina communities. Public input will assist DEQ in developing the North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint alongside over 100 technical advisors representing Federal, State, County, Municipal, and Tribal governments, non-governmental organizations and universities.
The meeting will be a free-flowing session with several information stations to visit. Community members are invited to come and go as they please, and are not required to stay for the duration of the session. Spanish interpretation services will be available at all meetings.
The Flood Resiliency Blueprint is a statewide initiative to develop an online-decision support tool and associated planning to address flooding for communities in North Carolina’s river basins. The Blueprint will accomplish several key goals, including:
Develop community and basin-specific risk management processes to identify and address flooding for NC communities;
Develop an online decision support tool which seamlessly guides state, county, municipal, and other jurisdictions to identify and select flood mitigation strategies responsibly, systematically, equitably, and transparently; and
Establish a repeatable, statewide methodology for prioritizing, and selecting flood mitigation strategies for future implementation.
More information about the Blueprint is available online.