Havelock Collection Sytem Permit # WQCS000104



Public notice of intent to issue a State Consent Order to the following:

The City of Havelock has requested Special Order by Consent EMC SOC S19-002 for its collections system in the Neuse River Basin under the authority of Permit WQCS00104 but is unable to consistently comply with Condition 1.2., regarding sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). Ongoing SSOs are occurring in areas of the City's collection system, causing pollution of waters of the State. The City will need to prepare plans and specifications for collection systems upgrades including sewer lines, manholes and lift stations. The City is also requesting 20,000 additional gallons per day of domestic wastewater to the treatment works.

The Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue the Order per Article 21 of Chapter 143, N.C. General Statutes, and other regulations.

Compliance with this order will require the City of Havelock to begin by repairing specific points/lines manholes, installing a flow meter, performing an engineering review, and completing construction to attain compliance with all permit conditions. This Order will expire on January 1, 2022.

A copy of the Order is available upon request by contacting Emily Phillips of the Division of Water

Resources at 919-707-3621, or by email at: emily.phillips@ncdenr.gov. Comments on the proposed Order received no later than 30 days from the date of publication will be considered in the final determination. A public meeting may be held if there is a significant degree of public interest. (Ad expected to run in the Havelock News on 1/23/20)



Date:  01/10/2020                                                   John E. Hennessy                          

for Linda Culpeper, Director

N. C. Environmental Management Commission