Hood Creek Soils mining application public hearing

The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) plans to hold a public hearing on the Hood Creek Soils mining permit application on August 26, 2021. The application for Mining Permit No. 14-14 (Pending) is for a soil and rock mining operation in Caldwell County.

In accordance with The Mining Act of 1971 § 74-51(c), the public hearing must be held by Aug. 31, 2021. Based on current guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the division will hold a virtual public hearing. The public is invited to participate online or by phone. Speakers will be asked to register in advance.

Event Title: Hood Creek Soils Public Hearing

Date and Time: Thursday, Aug. 26, 7-9 p.m.

WebEx Link: https://ncdenrits.webex.com/ncdenrits/j.php?MTID=m3180ed57eeca35d9ada661d6be222470

Event Password: NCDEMLR

Meeting Number (Access Code): 161 494 8819

By Phone: English Audio: US TOLL 1-415-655-0003

Meeting Number (Access Code): 161 494 8819

If you wish to speak at the public meeting, you must register by 12:00 p.m. on Aug. 26. To register, please visit: https://forms.office.com/g/svaBqWM7ik or call 919-707-9207.  Internet access is not required to participate in the meeting. To comment by phone, when your name is called, press *3 so the moderator can identify and open your line. Once you have made your comment, please press *3 to end your comment.

The comment period is open through September 5, 2021. Comments can be submitted via email to  ncminingprogram@ncdenr.gov with the subject line “Hood Creek Soils,” by leaving a voicemail at 919-707-9207 or by mail to:

Adam Parr

Assistant State Mining Engineer

Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources

Department of Environmental Quality

1612 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612

DEQ will consider all public comments and other available information about the permit application before deciding whether to issue the final permit, deny the permit or issue it with amended conditions.

The application, public notice and proposed mine maps can be found online here.