The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Marine Fisheries will hold an in-person workshop July 15-17 with the Oyster/Hard Clam Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee to review draft Amendment 5 to the Eastern Oyster Fishery Management Plan and draft Amendment 3 to the Hard Clam Fishery Management Plan.
The workshop will be at the Craven Community College, Naumann Community Room within Ward Hall, 800 College Court, New Bern.
The workshop will begin at 2 p.m. on Monday, July 15; at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 16; and at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 17.
This workshop is part of the fishery management plan process. The workshop consists of the fishery management plan advisory committee and division plan development team working together to discuss and refine the draft amendment provided by the division.
The advisory committee will assist the division by providing input for consideration to refine management options in draft Amendment 5 to the Eastern Oyster Fishery Management Plan and draft Amendment 3 to the Hard Clam Fishery Management Plan. Workshop-style meetings allow scientists, managers and stakeholders on the committee to address questions, comments and concerns more effectively and in a less formal setting.
The meeting will be held in-person only. It will be open to the public; however, there will not be an opportunity for public comment. The public is welcome to speak with advisory committee members and staff during breaks.
Based on the outcome of the workshop, the division will present revised drafts of the amendments to the Marine Fisheries Commission later in 2024. Upon Marine Fisheries Commission approval, additional public review and comment on the draft plan will then be solicited and is critical input to completing the final plan.
For more information on the Oyster/Hard Clam fishery management plans and a workshop agenda, go to the Information on Eastern Oyster Amendment 5 and Hard Clam Amendment 3 webpage.