National Estuary Program Watersheds Grant Program - Letters of Intent due Feb. 10


Restore America's Estuaries announces the availability of the 2023 National Estuary Program (NEP) Watersheds Grant Request for Proposals (RFP). The NEP Watersheds Grant Program is a nationally competitive grants program, funded through the EPA and administered by RAE. The program is designed to support projects that address urgent and challenging issues threatening the well-being of watersheds within our congressionally designated estuaries of national significance. Letters of Intent are due by February 10.

In addition to the congressionally set priorities listed in the RFP, projects must implement priority actions identified in one of the 28 EPA approved Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans. More information about coordinating with APNEP as the local NEP is available on our website, or reach out to Stacey Feken ( to learn more. At a minimum, applicants need a letter of acknowledgement from APNEP. We are open to discussing more direct partnership opportunities or facilitating connections amongst potential partners. 

Blog: 2023 NEP Watersheds Grant – Request for Proposals Available Now