Notice of Federal Consistency Review


The N.C. Dept. of Environment Quality hereby gives public notice that the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) has received a Federal consistency determination from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). DCM will evaluate the consistency determination for conformance with the enforceable policies of N.C.’s Coastal Management Program (CMP). To facilitate this evaluation, DCM is soliciting public comment concerning the conformance of the proposed project with the CMP.

According to the information provided; the USACE proposes to establish a navigation corridor in the most dynamic section of the channel by shifting the western navigation boundary 700 feet west away from Shackleford Banks for the Morehead City Harbor Federal navigation project within Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. A more thorough description of the proposed project may be examined at DCM’s office in Morehead City, or in the consistency letter here.

Please mail written comments by 11/28/2017 to Daniel Govoni, DCM Policy Analyst, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557. Comments will be considered in developing the state’s consistency response. Notice of the decision regarding this matter will be provided upon written request.