The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Coastal Management (DCM) hereby gives notice that public review and comment is invited on a proposed federal action.
The purpose of the National Park Service federal consistency determination that includes the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is to develop a streamlined framework for permitting sediment management actions at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, including the methods, locations, and frequency for sediment management actions that may be permitted over the next 20 years.
To view the National Park Service Federal Consistency cover letter, click here or go to
To view a thorough description of the National Park Service Final Environmental Impact Statement click here or go to
DCM is evaluating whether the proposed federal action is consistent with the enforceable policies of the State’s Coastal Management Program. To assist in this evaluation, DCM is inviting the public to offer comments on the proposed changes.
Please submit written comments by Tuesday, May 4, 2021 to Daniel Govoni, Federal Consistency Coordinator, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557, or by email to Comments will be considered in developing the state’s consistency response. Notice of the decision regarding this matter will be provided upon request.