Notice of Federal Consistency Review: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Bay River Apartments, Pamlico Co.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Coastal Management (DCM) hereby gives notice that public review and comment is invited on the below proposed federal action.
To ensure compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act for the Bay River Apartments Project as part of a HUD Environmental Assessment, ECS Southeastern, LLC is requesting a Federal Consistency Determination. The State’s review of the submitted federal consistency determination request will determine if the proposed Bay River Apartment Project in Pamlico County is consistent with the enforceable policies of North Carolina’s Coastal Management Program. The proposed action includes utilizing HUD funds for a 20-unit housing development with renovations to ancillary access roads, paved parking lots, and stormwater features necessary for the development.
A more thorough description of the proposed federal actions may be examined in the Related Information section.
Please submit written comments by April 15, 2025 to Federal Consistency Coordinator, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557, or by email to Please put “Federal Consistency: Bay River Apartments Project” in the subject line. All comments will be considered in developing the state’s consistency response. Notice of the decision regarding this matter will be provided upon request.