The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (DAQ), hereby gives notice regarding its Pre-hearing Draft of the North Carolina Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 110(l) Noninterference Demonstration for Adoption of Revisions to 15A NCAC 02D .1400 NOx State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call Rules into, and Removal of 15A NCAC 02D .2400 Clean Air Interstate Rules from, the North Carolina SIP for Electricity Generating Units (EGUs) and Large Non-EGUs. The DAQ is proposing to revise its CAA Section 110 SIP for EGUs and large non-EGUs to (1) incorporate ground-level ozone season (May 1 – September 30) NOx SIP Call statewide budgets and reporting requirements, and (2) remove the Clean Air Interstate Rules because they no longer apply in North Carolina.
Comment Procedures
Any person wishing to comment may submit a written statement for inclusion in the record of proceedings regarding the Pre-hearing Draft of the CAA Section 110(l) Noninterference Demonstration proposing to revise the North Carolina’s CAA Section 110 SIP for EGUs and large non-EGUs. Written comments should be submitted electronically to daq.publiccomments@deq.nc.gov or postmarked no later than Wednesday, March 26, 2025. (Please type “NOx SIP Call” in the subject line)
Requests for a Public Hearing
Requests for a public hearing must be in writing and include a statement supporting the need for such a hearing, an indication of your interest in the subject, and a brief summary of the information intended to be offered. If a public hearing is requested, a separate notice will be announced for the public hearing. The public notice will include the hearing date, time, location, and methods to access the hearing. Written requests for a public hearing should be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Copies of the Pre-hearing Draft of the CAA Section 110(l) Noninterference Demonstration proposing to revise the North Carolina CAA Section 110 SIP for EGUs and large non-EGUs may be downloaded from the DAQ website.
Alternatively, comments or requests for a public hearing can be mailed to:
Randy Strait
NC Division of Air Quality
1641 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1641
(Please type “NOx SIP Call” in the subject line)
Copies of the proposal may also be reviewed at the regional offices of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, located at the following DAQ offices:
Office | Phone Number |
Raleigh Central Office, Planning Section | (919) 707-8400 |
Raleigh Regional Office | (919) 791-4200 |
Asheville Regional Office | (828) 296-4500 |
Fayetteville Regional Office | (910) 433-3300 |
Mooresville Regional Office | 704) 235-2100 |
Washington Regional Office | (252) 948-3800 |
Wilmington Regional Office | (910) 796-7215 |
Winston-Salem Regional Office | (336) 776-9800 |