Public Comment Period: Intent to Issue an Air Quality Permit to Edwards Wood Products, Inc. - Laurinburg Saw Mill #2

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The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) hereby gives notice of its intent to issue an Air Quality Permit to:

Edwards Wood Products, Inc. - Laurinburg Saw Mill #2
13421 North Rocky Ford Rd.
Laurinburg, NC 28535
Scotland County
Application ID: 8300109.24B, Permit No.: 10569

This facility applied for an Air Quality Title V Operation Permit which meets the requirements specified in 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2Q.0500.

Persons wishing to submit written comments or request a public hearing regarding the Air Quality Title V Operation Permit are invited to do so. Requests for a public hearing must be in writing and include a statement supporting the need for such a hearing, an indication of your interest in the facility, and a brief summary of the information intended to be offered at such hearing. The Public comment period begins on March 31, 2025 and will run through April 30, 2025.

Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be postmarked no later than April 30, 2025 and addressed to Luke Mayer, Division of Air Quality, 1641 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641. Alternatively, you may submit comments and requests via voicemail by calling 919-707-8714.

Written comments may also be submitted during the public comment period via email at the following address: 
Please type "LaurinburgSawMill.24B" in the subject line.

All comments received prior to this date will be considered in the final determinations regarding the Air Quality Permit. A public hearing may be held if the Director of the DAQ determines that significant public interest exists or that the public interest will be served.

Interested persons may obtain additional information, including copies of the permit, application, all other relevant supporting materials, and all other materials available to DAQ that are relevant to the permit decision by writing to the above address or calling Luke Mayer at 919-707-8042.

Interested persons are encouraged to review these materials during normal business hours at either of the following locations:

Division of Air Quality
217 West Jones Street, Suite 4000
Raleigh, NC 27603


Fayetteville Regional Office
225 Green Street, Suite 714
Fayetteville, NC 28301