The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission is accepting public comment on proposed amendments and re-adoption of 109 rules under a state-mandated periodic review schedule.
A public hearing will be held by web conference on Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. The public may join the meeting online; however, those who wish to comment during the hearing must register to speak by noon on the day of the hearing.
Members of the public also may submit written comments through an online form or through the mail to N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Rules Comments, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557. Comments must be posted online or be received by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries by 5 p.m. Nov. 30, 2021.
Links to the public hearing registration form and online comment form, as well as text of the proposed rules and links to join the meeting, can be found on the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission’s Proposed Rules Page.
The proposed rule changes will be presented to the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission for final approval in February 2022 and have an earliest effective date of May 1, 2022.
For questions about the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission rulemaking process, email Catherine Blum, rules coordinator for the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries.