Public Hearing for Enviva Pellets Northampton, LLC

The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) will host a digital public hearing on Monday, May 24 on the draft Title V permit for Enviva Northampton, LLC.  The facility is required to obtain a Title V permit under the terms of its current operating permit. The draft Title V permit does not include any significant operational changes at the wood pellet facility and the potential to emit remains the same as under the current permit.

The public is invited to attend the hearing online or by phone and provide their comments on the proposed action. DAQ will also accept comments on the draft permit through May 26.

Event title: Public Hearing for Enviva Northampton
Date and Time: May 24, 2021 at 6 p.m.
Event Password: NCDAQ
Phone: US TOLL +1-415-655-0003, Access Code 185 065 0325


If you wish to speak at the public hearing, you must register by 4:00 p.m. on May 24. To register, please visit: or call (919) 618-0968.

Internet access is not required to participate in the hearing. Alternatively, to comment by phone, when your name is called, press *3 so the moderator can identify and open your line. Once you have made your comment, please press *3 to end your comment.

To view permitting documents, including the draft permit and draft permit review, please visit