Public meeting: Former Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Superfund Site in Navassa, N.C.


Navassa residents and other stake holders are invited to the next Public Meeting about the former Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Superfund Site in Navassa, North Carolina.

Please find attached—and linked here—a flyer about the meeting from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 7, at the Navassa Community Center at 338 Main Street near the Navassa Town Hall.

The meeting will be hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ), and the Multistate Environmental Response Trust (Multistate Trust) to update residents about the ongoing environmental investigation and upcoming work at the Navassa Superfund Site. General information about the redevelopment process for the Site will be shared, and questions will be answered. The Multistate Trust will provide light refreshments.

If you have any questions, please contact EPA Community Involvement Coordinator L’Tonya Spencer at (404) 562-8463 or, N.C. DEQ spokesman Jamie Kritzer at (919) 707-8602 or, or Multistate Trust Communications Director Christine Amrhine at (540) 846-3163 or

To learn more about the Superfund Site, visit or